
I woke up to a banging on my door...a very angry banging might I add. I wasn't gonna open it when clearly that person is taking their anger out on my wooden oak door. I checked my phone and saw it's 10 o'clock in the morning...who wakes someone up so early on a Sunday?

"Samantha Rosalina White, I hear your heartbeat whore!" Shit. Is that Stacy? 

"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR SAMANTHA OR I SWEAR TO THE MOON GODDESS AND MY DEAD FATHER I'LL BREAK IT THE FUCK DOWN!" After her last threat, the pounding stopped completely and I can only assume she getting ready to break my door down. I stumbled to my feet, tangling up my body in my comforter, and ran to the door as if there's gold behind it. When I opened the door, I started to wish it was gold instead. Stacy stood there with two iced Starbucks coffee in her hand and a subway bag in the other, but her face clearly showed she was pissed as fuck. 

"Hey...best friend," I said trying to break the ice after ignoring her for days.

"Spill.Everything." She grumbled and dropped everything on my desk. Well, that could've gone worse.


A few hours later, with some tears, and a tub of ice cream, Stacy is holding me in her arms while I cry my eyes out like a newborn baby. 

"I-I just wanted him to love me," 

"It's okay baby he's just a prick that will get what's coming to him," She said softly and took a spoonful of my chocolate chip ice cream behind my back. I pulled away to look at her and a gasp left my mouth.

"You're really eating my ice cream Stacy," I accused and pointed a spoon at her. She held her hands up and chuckled at my behavior, then threw a pillow at my face. I threw one back at her...now we're in my bedroom throwing pillows and breaking shit. Just when I thought I won the war, she tackled me to the bed with her laughter dancing throughout my house. Sigh, I love her so much. 

"Hey S?" I asked

"Yeah Mantha?" She replied 

"Thank you for always be there for me. You're the bestest best friend in the whole wide world and I don't know what I'll do without you. Your mate would be very lucky to have you. I love you to the moon and back sweet cheeks." I confessed. 

"Thank you Mantha. Your mate wouldn't know what hit him when you move on, just stay strong baby. I love you to the moon and back too." She cried and I feel like this is my human being. You know people always have someone to turn too and they're always there for them? Stacy Williams is and will forever be my human being. 

~5 hours later~

"Mantha my friend is having this really huge birthday party and we should go! Especially since you didn't even celebrate your birthday." Stacy suggested.

Silence fell between us for a while and I thought about it what could possibly go wrong? The bruising on my arm has faded away to almost nothing and I took my pain meds so I'm feeling completely fine. I deserve to have fun and enjoy my life till I have to take over for my father. 

"What the heck. Let's do it!" I yelled at my ceiling and Stacy joined me as we got up and started checking for outfits to wear. 


I decided to take a long shower, wash my hair, and shave my lady parts while my best friend got ready. I walked out of my bathroom with all the steam flooding out and my eyes had to be the size of the moon when I saw what Stacy decided to wear. 

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