Chapter 18

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'I can't do this. Omg I can't. This is too much. She's too much. Is she aware of what's going on? Does she know? Is she doing it on purpose? She has too. What is she talking about? What page are we on again? What are we even studying? Why is she here? In my bed...'

"And so multiplying the square of that number with the one on the right, you get-....uhh Kenma? You still there?" You asked, putting your calculator down. It had been 10 minutes that you guys had started to study for your math problem, but Kenma had seemed more out of it than anything else. Every time you looked up, he was either staring blankly into space, or stuck with his eyes staring right at you. He had been fine for the first 5 minutes, but soon after, he seemed to malfunction a bit. You found it weird however. He had been fine the entire day, and there ain't no way that he'd start feeling ill, just by walking into his house.

The boy snapped out of his trance and lifted his head up at you as if realizing you were talking. His face was fine and all, but his eyes seemed...empty, almost depressed or on the verge of giving up. You had been slightly taken aback by the look in his irises and suddenly felt bad for absolutely no reason, yourself. Your heart ached just by feeling his dark aura. It was so intense, at the same time of being so small. It was deconcentrating you, and made you hesitate before trying to study again.

"Um...yes. Yeah, that's it. You're not that bad. It' surprising. I'm sure you're getting the hang of it." He mumbled, casting his eyes back on the book before him. Your eyes had stayed stuck on him, surprised by the sudden blurry answer. What on earth had just been that? Did he seriously think that that was an answer enough to satisfy you? You could tell that he wouldn't be listening even if you started again, so you sighed and closed your book.

Kenma flinched, surprised by the sudden change of plan and watched your every move as you stretched your hands up in the air. You moaned at the feeling of your muscles loosening after sitting on the bed in the same position for so long. Your eyes closed at the blissful feeling, unaware of the way you made Kenma feel. You were so beautiful. He couldn't come to termes that you out of every one was in his room. Believe it or not, he still hadn't gotten over the fact that you were at his place. It was making him dizzy.

"Hey, you know what? Maybe we should stop until your mom calls us for dinner. When we came in, your dad told us that it would be ready soon, and it has been 10 minutes already, so I guess it shouldn't be long. Would you want to do anything else? Like gaming or just talking to get our minds off of homework? Frankly, I don't feel like studying anymore than we already have, so what do you think?" You asked, looking at him in the eyes.

Kenma just stared at you in a daze, mouth barely hanging open, and eyes on you like you had just grown two heads. And there he was staring at you again. You were seriously starting to find it just a tad bit annoying, since it seemed like everytime you were the one talking to him, you couldn't ever get any normal response out of him. Why the hell was he acting so...distant all of a sudden. He was fine 10 minutes ago, what triggered him, for his shyness to come out? Was it the fact that you two were alone together? Or maybe you could've been the one to make him uncomfortable? But how tho?

"Umm...yeah, sure...I don't...I don't mind. I g-guess." He answered when he realised you had been expecting an answer from him. You exhaled, relieved that he had finally given you a plausible answer. It wasn't much, but it certainly was something.

"Ok, then what do you do in your free time?" You asked, setting your stuff aside and getting up from your spot. Kenma's eyes following your every moves.

'I like to watch you-"uh..well, I like to game when I'm alone." He mumbled, closing his math book."I have a few games you could choose from if you want."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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