Chapter 17

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Breathe...Just breathe...take deep breaths and close your eyes. Please stop thinking about HeR...relax. Stop it....but I still can't believe it! She's studying with me tonight. She's going to sit next to me. Talk to Me. Learn with Me. And we're going to be breathing the same AiR. Ha ha ha ha ha, I don't feel good. I have to stop thinking about it. But I can't. I have to , but it's impossible. How do you want me to forget about THAT? I can't keep still. I have to distract myself. But how?! It's scientifically impossible!! I can't do this!!! I feels to good, but it hurts so much, too!!!! I CAN'T!!!!I WANT

"Kenma? Would you mind reading us the second paragraph of the book."

The teacher pulled the boy out of his thoughts and brought him back to where he was on earth. Oh, right...he was in the middle of class. How nice...

"Um...uh...I don't-um..." He stuttered. He was unable to form a sentence when he noticed you looking at him from across the classroom. The temperature in the place had once again risen and he didn't know if it was because of all the eyes staring at him or just because of you. He could see the impatience in the teacher's eyes, but all he could focus on was you.

'Stop looking at me. You're driving me insane! Please stop burning me! It hurts! I love you so much!!! What am I saying?!? What's going on!?! HahahahahaHaHAHAHAHA!!!!!'

"Mr. Kenma?" The teacher asked upon noticing the boy's burning face and sweat filled forehead. She just assumed he was too shy and that all the looks from the others made him feel intimidated. Normal for such an introvert like him. So she decided on letting him catch his breath back by asking another student to read.

"(Y/N)? Would you like to read for the class?"

"Oh! Uh, yeah, sure. It would be a...pleasure..." You said as every word you pronounced got quieter and quieter. Your mind was distracted by the small event that occurred in the class just now. What had just happened? Why had he reacted the same way as yesterday when he had asked you to study with him? Ok, yeah he was antisocial and very closed off to the public, but these past few days, everytime he was confronted with the task to interact with people he started some kind of panic attack that would make it near impossible to communicate with him. His words would be jumbled and he'd change colors real fast. Did he have some kind of mental health issue? Probably? Though you were certain that if he did, you would have been alerted by now, right?

You read the lines of the book's paragraph and tried to forget about Kenma for at least a second as to not fuck up the lines. It was harder than you thought, but you managed it in the end.

When the class was over, you rushed to your locker and took out your stuff in a hurry. It was you favorite subject and you couldn't wait to learn more about it. You took out your pencil case and slammed your locker door shut. You opened your case and took out your pen already readying yourself to take notes. You turned around and walked quickly to your class. You had almost made it but unfortunately you had bumped into someone, resulting in all of your pencil case's content spilling on the floor at your feet. You looked up, ready to apologize, but stopped yourself once your eyes met Kenma's...again...

"Oh...sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." Kenma mumbled, looking elsewhere.

"No, it's my fault. I was to preoccupied with what was going on in my mind to see where I was going. So it's my bad this time." You chuckled nervously rubbing the back of your neck.

" you want me to help you? " Kenma asked with his usual low toned voice.You were impressed with Kenma's new straight forwardness. Not only did he ask you if you needed his help in your studies, but he wants to help you pick up your stuff that you dropped? Wow, a little more and people would start believing that this shy boy had a thing for you. Funny if you thought about it.

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