Training Camp Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

"Tobio san-" Y/N started, with a blush on her face.

Kageyama accidentally blurted out, "I love you."

Kageyama realized what he had just said and stood up to jog away.  Y/N sat there shocked and flustered, while watching her boyfriend walk away.  Kageyama covered his face as the entire team collaborated.

"Damn it...why'd I say that out loud," Kageyama thought to himself, "hopefully she didn't hear cause that would be embarrassing."

"Kageyama san," Sugawara started, snapping Kageyama out of his thoughts.

"We're switching out now since your hand looks fine." Sugawara continued, "Are you okay? Because you look awfully red right now."

"Yeah I am Sugawara san, and thanks for reminding me."

Sugawara smiled, "Alright then, head out now with the team."

Y/N watched as Kageyama walked out with the team.  She headed back to her seat with the managers.

"Let's just focus on the game at hand and ... um .. figure that out later." Kageyama thought to himself, as he got into is position in the front.

Yachi watched Y/N sit down, "Hey Y/N chan what's up? Your face is a bit pink."

"Yachi san, what do you do when someone says 'I love you'," Y/N replied, "and you didn't have time to reply?"

"What?!" Yachi said back.

Kiyoko wondered what was going on, "Um guys, is everything alright?"

"He said something too romantic to me..." Y/N replied, pointing at Kageyama.

Kiyoko looked at where Y/N pointed and saw Kageyama set the ball.

"Oh," Kiyoko replied, looking back at the two.

*Time skip after dinner*

The group of girls were in to kitchen cleaning up the place.  Y/N and Eri were washing the dishes while everyone else was busy throwing away the trash and wiping the tables down.

Y/N and Eri turned around at the sound of the kitchen doors.  They saw the rest of their friends coming in.

"That was quicker than I expected," Eri said.

"Oh we aren't done yet," Yachi explained, "Coach Nekomata wanted to talk to all of us about something."

Kiyoko added on, "He's currently talking Mako san and Yukie san to go in the kitchen with us."

The group waited by the kitchen table until Coach Nekomata, Yukie, and Mako came back in.

"Alright everyone, how was today?" Coach Nekomata asked.

"It went well," Yukie answered.

"Same for me and Y/N chan," Yachi answered.

Mako added on, "It was a fun day for everyone Coach Nekomata."

"Well that's great, now let's get along with tomorrow's plans shall we," Coach Nekomata started.

"I have printed a schedule for tomorrow and it would be great if we hung it up in the kitchen.  Anyways, everything will be the same except for lunch." He continued to talk about tomorrow's plans, "We will hold a barbecue for tomorrow, since it's the last day for everyone.  I trust that you guys can handle the plans correct?"

"Yes sir," Everyone said in unison.

"That's great, anyways the ingredients will arrive tomorrow in the refrigerator," Coach Nekomata said, "all you guys need to do is prepare and set everything up.  Are there any questions?"

"Thank You For Loving Me" [Kageyama x reader]Where stories live. Discover now