the one at the carnival

Start from the beginning

"if we do, we'll be the safest." Albert stated, resulting in Finch hitting his shoulder with his backhand.

"give me a break, I was eleven!" He defended. They finally spotted the rest of the group, so they ran to them.

"hi guys-"

"I call going on the ferris wheel with Finch!" Spot interrupted Race, remembering the time he threw up.

"too late, he's already with us." Race gloated and stuck his tongue out at him.

"okay, how about we go on the boring rides, eat a lot, then go on the fast rides and rollercoasters?" Jack suggested.

"that is the most idiotic plan I've ever heard." Mush replied and everybody agreed with him. "I'm in."

"no!" Katherine retorted and hit Mush's side.

"we only expect Finch to throw up, no one else." Crutchie stated, making everybody laugh. Everybody then bought their tickets and decided to just go on whatever they saw. Everyone decided to go on a really big and fast rollercoaster first and Elmer was gripping on Andi's hand like his life depended on it.

"pussy." Andi called Elmer.

"if I throw up, I'm aiming for you." He replied, giving his girlfriend a deadpanned expression.

"ew, no you won't!" Andi affirmed.

He smiled. "yeahh, I won't." Before they knew it, the ride started, making the two and everyone else scream. When it was over, Elmer was jumping all over the place like a five year old.

"I wanna go again!" He told Andi.

"if I throw up, I'm aiming for you." She mocked, in which he rolled his eyes.

"pussy." He muttered under his breath. Unfortunately for him, Andi heard him. She looked up at him, staring daggers into his eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I love you, I love you, I love you!" He apologized quickly.

"ya know, out of everyone, Elmer should know to never call Didi a pussy." Lilly remarked.

"everyone's scared of you." Elmer whispered to Andi and kissed her temple. Suddenly, they all heard Katherine squeal. They turned to see Katherine dragging Jack towards a game, so they followed them. Katherine won a big stuffed bear, leading everybody to want to win something as well. They were now playing games and everybody won at least one toy. Spot won one of those big inflatable hammers and for the rest of the night, he hit everyone, especially Race, with it.

Spot hit him. "quit it." Race demanded, but Spot hit him again.

"quit it." Whack.

"quit it." Whack.

"quit it." This time when Spot hit him, the hammer somehow popped. Race turned around. "HAH HAH! FUCK YOU!" He teased and stuck his tongue at him.

"Racer, there are children here!" Jack scolded, motioning to Jojo and Crutchie, who both rolled their eyes. They then went in line for the ferris wheel. Everybody was fighting over who would get to ride with Finch because... you know. Finch yelled at them, telling them to shut up and decided to ride with Andi, Elmer, Albert and Race. This resulted in Race throwing another fuck you at Spot. During the ride, Andi started to get sleepy, so she laid her head on Elmer's shoulder.

"sleepy?" Elmer asked, wrapping an arm around her.

"no." She lied.

"hey Finchy, you feelin' sick yet?" Albert teased, raising an eyebrow.

"nope." Finch answered proudly. Everybody's attention then turned to Race, who was on a group facetime with Spot and Jack, who were in two different carts. (A/N: idk what theyre called😭😭)

"I say when y'all are at the very top." They heard Spot say. They immediately figured out that they were betting on when will Finch throw up.

"I'm not throwing up!" Finch yelled.

"keep yelling like that and you will." Elmer laughed, earning a glare from his best friend. He then looked down at Andi who was asleep on his shoulder. Her arms were wrapped around his waist with a tight-ish grip. Elmer smiled, kissed her head and laid his head on her's. Soon, they got off of the ride and they were now walking back to the car, Elmer carrying a sleeping Andi on his back. They got fast food with everyone else and went home. On the car ride back, Andi woke up on Albert's shoulder.

"Red?" She asked groggily.

Albert looked down at her and smiled. "yeah?"

"did Finch throw up?"

Finch groaned and rolled his eyes. "no!" He yelled, throwing his hands up and letting them fall.

"jeez it was just a question, don't have a cow." After saying that, Andi fell asleep once again on Albert's shoulder.

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