Prologue; From Where the Story Ended- A New One Begins

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It was deafening; the silence, after days of Dragonfire, screaming, and the clashing of metal. The gut-wrenching cries for help from the Valar as men died for seemingly nothing... but Erebor was reclaimed, and Bilbo Baggins; who had finished her contract, was banished from a place promised her home, and lost her adoptive family in the great battle. Was finally about to embark on the journey back to the shire; not home, her family was all but there in the mountain. Lying in silent stone among the other hundreds to whom had died in the mountain at Smaug's hands. She couldn't nor wouldn't dare go back to Erebor for the threat of her life, and seeing her friends dead she couldn't handle either. Thoughts swirled around her, as she looked from a distance at the great mountain. Gandalf sneaked behind the trembling hobbitess, putting a gentle hand on her shoulder as she seemed frozen in time silent tears running down her cheeks.

"Bilbo- my dear, we must make haste winter is soon approaching-" the wizard spoke softly as once lively green eyes now dulled and teary with pain looked back. "I- Well I suppose that's the rational thing, but before we go I must do something..." and with that, she raised sting and with a quick motion cut off huge chunks of her hair 13 braids falling from her hair- but she only collected 3 beads, two were sturdy and iron with complicated designs and quartz in them and one, was hand-carved of oak with flowers and branching melting from a hobbit-like design to dwarvish. She put them in the button pocket of her jacket before taking one last look and walking away.


As they traveled, it seemed more had changed in Bilbo. She seemed weaker- paler, some would even say dull or... fading. Yet there was something else, she would begin to be sick, often hardly able to keep anything down- flashes of hot and cold would run upon her. They stopped at Beorn's' to find a strange fact. She hadn't had her monthly in almost 2 months.


"Yes! I now realize I was reckless, but we were courting, by Yavanas garden- he proposed to me as Smaug escaped. We were to be wed..."

" Bilbo... you do realize-"

"How hard, this, THIS is going to be? Yes... but I will do my best..."

"Oh, Bilbo... "

And with that, a new quest began. With Bilbo Baggins seemingly lye the last blood of Durin, the last piece of Thorin, and The Company she had; and like Smaug, with the gold of Erebor, she intended to keep her treasure safe.


" Lord Elrond- I'm in need of assistance-"

She held her stomach tightly as pain surged almost falling to the floor, her heart racing and she almost screamed as she was swept up and taken to a medical wing, screaming, pushing, and yelling in agony for what felt like hours in the same agonizing pain coming in waves each more intense. Yet there was no pause after and she did it again and not one, but two were cleaned, bundled, and handed to her. She held them close, sweat beading her brow as finally, relief waved over her. Footsteps approached and the door swung open as the troublesome grey wizard stormed in with a concerned look on his face before morphing into a soft smile, along with a bit of a surprised look as he saw, right in the lady hobbits arms that there were two just opening their eyes: one a girl with storm black tufts of hair on her head and cheeks with bright green eyes, the other a boy with blonde only on the tuff of his head. Both had wild curls and a spark in their eyes and were perfectly their parent's children. "So- Any name ideas?"

"Well... Thorin said he had a brother named Ferin- so that is what the Boys name will be to honor his uncle"

"And the girl?

" Well he said he has a sister named Dis, and I'm not taking their culture away- so I was thinking maybe 'Lis' to honor her... since his mother was Ris."

"Fine names Ms.Baggins and congratulations"

" Thank you, Lord Elrond, for everything,"

The elf had walked into the room with new robes on, and in hand for her with two eleths at his side with water, a bowl, and food and drink. The elven lord moved to her side observing the children with a curious look, Gandalf on the other side as well seemingly mimicking the elf in the action. "Ms. Baggins- I must say, I am quite curious, with these two, I never thought it possible for races to mix"

" Well Lord Elrond, Hobbits are curious things, and they seem to have a habit of surprising even the most knowledgeable creatures-"

" Yes I do agree Mithradir- but what will this surprising mix be called?"

" Dwobbit seems fitting to me"

All three gazed at the children with admiration at the new name, the new mother specifically for the first time in long months she smiled.

"My little Dwobbits-"


"- And so! The hobbit burglar defeated the great dragon Lolibelia and her goons, retrieving the smial and all the silver spoons inside, with two of the greatest treasures she had ever had, and the three lived happily- ever after"

The three were cuddled up in a chair as Bilbo told the tale of the company of 13, their hobbit and, the journey there and back again. Liz and Ferin had grown to the appearance of 8 years old with being 13; for apparently dwobbits aged the same way as their dwarven blood, their eyes wide as their mother told the story. Of course, it was their favorite for it told of the world outside of the shire, and how hobbits were not as timid as they seemed, and adventure spirit called to the two on a constant basis.

Ferin was the first to yawn with Liz promptly following, "Alright my little dwobbits let's get you to bed..." The two looked up wearily "we're not- tired" said the lass her eyes distant and drowned in exhaustion with a yawn pausing her sentence, "Yea amad... we Dwobbits don't get...hmmm sleepy," Ferin continued while rubbing his hands over his eyes in a tired way- "Hmmm, then I guess they don't want a lullaby and want to stay up and do chores?"

"Oh- No, we are very tired then- right Fer?"

"Mmm- absolutely'

"Alright then-"

The two trudged along to their room finding their places in the bed their mother tucking them in, before looking expectant at their mother with impish grins before their mother asked which they'd like. They wanted a dwarvish one, so as they settled down her mother hummed before singing the song she heard at the beginning of her adventure-

"Far over- the Misty Mountains cold,"

And that night would be their last calm. Their last time together tucked in a warm bed in the shire. For a new story was about to begin, and wouldn't you believe.

It all began again with a Grey wizard.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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