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1933 - England

"Brother!" a young beautiful girl ran towards him, her long white flowing gown of lavender silk making her look like an angel.
Her gown matched with the palace-tower. The walls a royal white and light gold with light coloured illustrations. It was a classical small but fascinating palace, like those you read about in fairytales. The ceiling was very high, since the walls were massively tall. The magnificent excessive large diamond chandelier was hanging gracefully from the ceiling tingling sometimes as its diamonds were lightly hitting each other and sparkling. The large windows were allowing the sunlight to light up the great hall. On the other side two big curving staircases, both leading upstairs. The stairs were made of marble and were covered with a royal read long carpet that was quite slender so it didn't reach the sides of the stairs.
"Oh brother, I'm so happy you could come." She said, full of excitement and joy. "I've missed you so much these months. But fortunately I had Eliz to keep me company."
"That's great Ellie. By the way, where is Eliz?"
"Oh," Ella turned and looked back "she's right here!"
Adonnis looked up· and there she was, in her rose red dress, her beautiful curled brown hair resting beautifully on her shoulders. Her makeup matching her appearance, even though everyone knew that she was naturally beautiful, even from when she was born, she was a very beautiful little baby girl, so makeup wasn't something she needed. She was a shining diamond already. She slowly went down the stairs, step by step, her heels clacking on every carpet-covered marble step. A bright smile on her face.
"Lizzie!" Adonnis called her name, still mesmerized by her beautiful beautiful face.
"I'm so glad to see you. I've missed you!"
She was always elegant and and had that noble style, Elizabeth. Like a princess, like a fairy, like an angel. A treasure.
Elizabeth, her grandmother's name. Her other grandmother was called Margaret and there was actually a disagree between her parents and grandparents, on how to name the little girl. Her grandma Elizabeth was already very old and didn't even take much part in the argument because she didn't think it was that big of a problem how to name the girl. Grandma Margaret said that they should name the girl Elizabeth Margaret. So she can have both names. They all agreed to it and that's how Elizabeth was named Elizabeth.
"So Elizabeth, how have you been?"
"Oh, well, I'm actually doing very well thank you."
Lunch was great but there was a weird tension in the air. Ella could feel it.
"So, um.. Elizabeth, Estefany has come to the city. I've wanted to invite her here. We have so many years to see her."
"Aww!! Fanny is in the city! Yes! We should invite her here."
Fanny is an old friend of Eliz and Ella. Her name Estefany, means "crown", and her short name, Fanny, means "free one". She prefers people to call her by her short name because she says that it suits her character more. She is a free spirit, she loves advanture and she's not that princess-like.


Dinner was pleasant. After, they sat at the living room. It was already late. The flames of the now-almost-burnt fire were fighting to survive. The little light in the room made it a little bit difficult to see far but they liked the slightly faded light. Someone knocked on the door. Who could it be at this late hour? The question everyone had. And yes, who could it be at this late hour? Alan, the family butler opened the door.
"Miss Emily!"

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