Chapter 14: It's time for a history lesson

Start from the beginning

"But you serotype Muggles and Muggle-Borns too, you treat us horribly and think of us less than human when we're the same species."

Daphne pursed her lips and nodded. "That is true but you do realize that you're doing the same thing as well. You assigned me a stereotype based upon a small minority of Slytherin's that you have actually interacted with in the past. You've assumed that I will be just like them when I am in fact not.

"My family doesn't care much what your blood status is, we care more about the benefits allying ourselves with people will bring. If I wanted something I have to earn it and show that I deserved it, sure our parents like to give the appearance that we get anything we ask for but that's more just a show for our wealth."

"Maybe you should be asking more relevant questions, like why do most Purebloods look down on Muggles? Or more why the cycle continues?" Pansy took a seat opposite the Gryffindor, Daphne still chose to stand she had removed her hand from the table and now had then folded across her chest.

"Not all Purebloods look down on Muggles surely." Pansy giggled again and shook her head.

"Maybe I should rephrase that question, let's see... Why do Purebloods view or look at Muggles as if they're another species? I never realized how isolated the Wizarding society is from the Muggle society, even those who do not believe in the ideologies of the other Purebloods. Let's take Arthur Weasley for example, since he's the father of one of your closest friends I'm sure that you're well aquatinted with how fascinated he is with Muggles, but doesn't his interest make it seem more like he also sees Muggles like they aren't human either?"

Hermione reluctantly nodded, a small blush of guilt lightly covering her cheeks, "As much as I hate to admit it it's true, we're seen as a whole other species and that since we don't have magic integrated into our lives we can't do anything. When we actually we can do just as much but in different methods, and there is some stuff both societies can do that neither can." Hermione ranted, her eyes sparkling as she began to talk about a subject she had never had the chance to talk about with others.

"It's true, Muggles are so much more than we give them the credit for, your technology had been advancing fast in the past Century has it not?" The blonde Slytherin asked.

"Yes, I'm quite confident that it won't be long till we discover the Wizarding society, it can only stay hidden for so long."

"My parents were thinking of starting a business in the Muggle world last summer and they came back home to talk about how advanced some of the Muggle technology is from the last time they went to the Muggle world ten years ago."

"Science is advancing very quickly, I can barely keep up with my Muggle education anymore, it's a shame that Hogwarts doesn't give us the chance to have an education outside of the Wizarding World, it's like a trap." Her face scrunched up and she stared at the table her fists clenched.

"Hermione," the girl looked up again to Pansy in surprise, "it's fine if I call you that right? I-I just doesn't feel right calling you by your last name.." The Slytherin Prefect trailed off, Hermione blinked again, sure that Pansy had apologised yesterday for her behaviour towards her and her friends for the past four years but at times she truly couldn't believe it. It's like she had a complete turnaround of her personality over the summer, she did notice her becoming quieter towards the end of the fourth year but at the time she was more focused on helping Harry complete his tasks, she picked on Neville and younger students less.

Though she still noticed some of her behaviour that was still there, she would slip up and say something antagonizing but then quickly walk off before they could even respond. And there were two times she had seen her acting out a mockery of students on the way between lessons, but she was improving and Hermione was impressed, it's not easy to change who you are over such a small period of time. It took a lot of patience and perseverance, Pansy wasn't perfect and still had her flaws but she did say she was trying, and if Hermione wanted to make the Wizarding world a better place for all she'd have to learn to forgive, she had to learn to take the first step to aid in creating a society that was better for all, it's not like she could really have much of a career still in the Muggle World now.

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