Pet shop

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It was a warm summer day in Utah, Henry had promised William a dog or a cat. William was upstairs getting ready whilst Henry was waiting downstairs with a cup of coffee. " Hurry up Will!" Henry shouted from downstairs " Coming Henry!" William shouted back, his footsteps thumping through the house. "It's about time, you were there for ten minutes." Henry sighed. "Oi I'm sorry," William answered back, now feeling annoyed. They both left the house and started walking to the pet shop. William decided that he wanted a dog and started thinking about names, even though he hadn't even seen it yet. Henry, on the other hand, wasn't thinking of names, he wanted to dress the poor thing up in cute clothes. As soon as they arrived at the shop William rushed in and went straight to a cute dog. It looked like a little German Shepherd. William looked at the dog in awe and started playing with it. "Henry look at it," William said in a kind of squeaky voice that made Henry snort. "Yeah, I can see it Will," Henry answered, admiring the sight in front of him. William had always been scared of dogs, so this was a big step for him to want to get one. Anyway, the got the dog. Henry bought clothes and William bought the toys and things. William decided it'd be a good idea to call him Bo. Henry wasn't soo fond of the name but went with it anyway. They both loved this dog very much.

heh lol 👹
that picture had me crying

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