Chapter 4: New Lifes

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It has been 3 months since the last chapter so y'all know what that means. I hope y'all enjoy.

Fuli's POV:

It has been three months since I became pregnant so Kion hasn't let me out of his sight.

Kion: Fuli are you okay?
Fuli: If you count me being annoyed because you won't let me out of your sight as okay then yes, I am okay. "gives him the death stare"
Kion: Listen I know you don't like it but what if you go in labor and I am not here to take you to Rafiki?!
Fuli: Ugh, fine. Any day now and this will be over.
Kion: Can you believe that someone actually tried to put a love potion in our food.
Fuli: "thinks back"


Kiara: KION!!! FULI!!! Don't eat your food!!!
Both: Why not?!
Kiara: Because someone put a love potion in it.
Fuli: Wait, both?
Kiara: Yes, BOTH!!!
Kion: Why would do that?!
Kiara: I....I can't remember who and why but someone did. We need to get rid of it before someone eats it!
Fuli: We can throw it in that river!
Kiara: Kion?!
Kion: On it!

Kion then push the animals in the river.

Fuli: Whoever did that just wasted two animals lives! How could they do such a thing?!
Kiara: I don't know but I am just glad you're safe. Come on let's go to Pride Rock. We need to rest after what happened and you two need food!
Both: Right behind you!

They all ran towards Pride Rock where they ate and told everyone about what happened.

End of flashback

Kion's POV:

Fuli: I can't either.
Zuri and Nuko: Sorry we're late.
Nala: It's okay. We left some food for you two 
"whispers to self" lovebirds.
Simba: "whispers to Nala" Something feels off about them.
Nala: "whispers to Simba" You're right.

Nala and Simba: Good night everyone!
All except Nala and Simba: Good night!
Kion: Good night Fuli.
Fuli: Good night Kion.

Fuli's POV:

We all fell asleep but I woke up in the middle of the night to a sharp pain in my stomach. 𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵?! 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘶𝘣𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨!!!

Fuli: KION!!!
Kion: Hm..... what? "notices Fuli is in pain" KIARA!!!

By then everyone was starting to wake up.

Kiara: What Kio......

Makini had been staying at Pride Rock ever since Fuli hit 3 months.

Makini: Everyone one out except Fuli and Kiara!
Kion: But.......
Makini: Kion!
Kion: Ok, I'm going.

Kion's POV:

I ran out of the cave and all of the lionesses were gathered around the entrance along with my mom, my dad and Kovu.

Bunga: Kion! We heard the the cubs are coming.
Ono: Is it true.
Beshte: Well what to you guys think? Look around!

They looked around and saw the king, the queen, the future king, the Pride and a lot of animals had already heard about the news and had gathered around Pride Rock.

Kion: Yes.
Bunga: Kion you seem worried.
Kion: I am.

I was already pacing up and down in front of the entrance.

Bunga: But why?
Ono: I'll answer this one for you Kion.
Kion: Thanks Ono.
Ono: Because Bunga, have you heard of some of the bad luck they get. Sometimes the mother doesn't make it, sometimes the Cubs don't make it and sometimes neither make it.
Bunga: Oh. But Fuli seems fine.........
Fuli: AHHHHHH!!!!!!
Kion: Fuli!
Nala: Kion. Wait.
Kion: Ugh.

I started pacing again. Then I saw Makini walk out of the lair.

Kion: Makini! Is Fuli ok.
Makini: Yep. You can go in now.

Fuli's POV:

Kiara: Awww. They are so cute!
Fuli: Ther are indeed.

I saw Makini coming back and behind her was a panicked Kion.

Kion: Fuli!!!
Fuli: Shhhh! They Cubs are sleeping!
Kion: Oh sorry.
Makini: 3 healthy Cubs. 1 male and 2 females.
Kiara: What are going to name them?
Kion: The male will be Roto, the oldest.
Fuli: The second oldest is Uri and the youngest is Imani. ( Okay. I liked the name Imani. Don't judge me )
Makini: Lovely. Come Kiara they need to rest. Good night you five.
Kiara: Good night guys.
Both: Good night and thanks.
Makini: Okay everyone. Go home. The happy family needs their rest! Lionesses and the royal family, you can go in but be quiet. You must not wake up the Cubs or Fuli.
All: Yes Makini. "scared of the female mandrill"

Here's the happy family 😃

Names of the Cubs from left to right—

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Names of the Cubs from left to right—

Uri the second oldest, Roto the oldest and Imani the youngest.

Name meanings:

Imani— belief or faith
Uri— My flame, my light
Roto— There is no name meaning because I made up the name.

I hope y'all enjoyed! I loved this chapter so much! I think this chapter was so cute!

— Author ✍️

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