Chapter One

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Goldspeck's head lay on the cold stone floor. Her eyes were open, and her ears flicked dismissively. Her feathers were slicked back, making her seem smaller than she was. Quietly, careful not to touch her mother, Amber, Goldspeck slipped out and away from her. Her paws burnt on the scorching stone, but she couldn't make a noise. She came out from the corner the other females of the Society had graciously given to the mothers and their Pups into the blinding sunlight. She flinched, pressed her eyes shut, and slowly opened them. Goldspeck fluffed up her feathers, providing a small amount of shade. She continued on determinedly, the Cavern huge to her tiny eyes. The as she approached a path of desert scrubland and prairie grass thrown onto the ground, she suddenly saw a charcoal-black and blood red Pup leap at her. His tiny, thorn-sharp claws sank into Goldspeck's shoulder blade. "What are ya doing on teh Path?" He spat. "Only males can walk a' it! Females stay to ta stone." "I... I...," stammered Goldspeck, searching for the right words. Suddenly, she blurted something out. "I felt like I'm of importance as well as the males because without females we wouldn't have pups I could just die and then you wouldn't have a valuable member of the Society to take care of your endless needs you lazy wastes of fur and feathers!" Goldspeck immediately pulled back, wishing she hadn't insulted the Pup. The male laughed, throwing his head back to reveal sharp, yellowed teeth. "I like ya. Got spunk. Not afraid ta speak the truth. Too bad I gotta dispose of any Females who don' follow ta rules." He unsheathed his claws. Goldspeck immediately knew what she should do. She should bow her head and apologize. Promise to be the Pup's mate when they were grown, if he wanted her. Then go bring him some prey, and go to her Sleeping Area. But Goldspeck didn't. "Oh, really?" She spat. "You want to dispose of me? Too bad. I guess I gotta dispose of you. She slashed her claws across the other Pup's cheek, and he let put a roar of fury. He pounced on Goldspeck, but she nimbly dodged to the side. She skidded, spraying sand at him. He coughed, and Goldspeck used this millisecond to crouch, and plan her attack. The Pup shook his fur, and began looking for his attacker when wham! She slammed into his side, knocking the breath out of him. He was still for a second, and then he started trying to climb out of Goldspeck's grasp.  Goldspeck held him down, twisting and turning to hold him in place while she sank her claws into his flesh deeper. She watched the blood well around them, and stain the Pup's black fur reddish. She watched his life seep out of him. I have to do this now. Every second Goldspeck wasted, holding her victory high, was another second she could be caught. I need to finish this quickly. She bent down, and was about to snap the pup's neck, when he shot up and pushed her away. Goldspeck hissed, and they began to circle, occasionally darting forward for a slash or two before going back to the circling formation. Suddenly, the Pup leaped at Goldspeck and they became a wreathing ball of claws, teeth, feathers and fury. The noise was so loud, it woke up everyone else. "Stop!" Dune commanded, standing up. His grayed out feathers were messed up, one sticking straight into the air. "Goldspeck!" Cried Amber, and they raced forward. Goldspeck was still hissing, still spitting when Amber hauled her away. Her silvery claws met air as she clawed desperately, trying to get revenge on the male Pup Dune was hauling away. "Now now, you poor thing! That disappointment of a female will never think to hurt anyone again. Well get you all fixed up, and you can go on a hunt tomorrow."

"Goldspeck. Goldspeck!" Amber pawed Goldspeck's shoulder, and the pup whipped around. "Yes?" "As I was saying," continued Amber, "you are not to hurt anyone else. The consequences will be serious. Likely death, or banishment, although Banishment is death in it's own way. You are not to challenge any more males. Ever again. Do you hear me?" "Yes," mumbled Goldspeck, though she had no idea what Amber was really saying. Probably something about 'respecting the males' and 'being grateful for our place in the society' and 'being glad we have such CARING males to help us survive!' Goldspeck thought. 

She turned around and walked to her sleeping area. This was only the beginning of all the disputes and fights that were to come.


A/N: sorry for the wait! I lost all motivation to write, especially this book. I hope you enjoy what was originally going to be an epic fight scene, but I downgraded to a bit higher than a play fight between pups.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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