Part five: The Antigan revolt

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As the confederacies control over the fringe worlds weakened, Antiga Prime was ready to revolt. Aware of this, the confederacy stationed a large group of troops there.  when the confederate officer in the command center was killed by Kerrigan, the Antigan population went into full revolt against the confederates. The Norad II crashed on Antiga Prime after being attacked by the Zerg. Duke transmitted a distress call to the confederates, but was saved by Raynor and joined forces with Mengsk. The  confederacy discovered the location of the rebels and created a base camp nearby, in hopes that the rebels and the Zerg would kill each other, allowing the confederacy to take the planet back, but was destroyed after Kerrigan planted a psi emitter in the camp. An assassination attempt was plotted by the confederacy to kill Mengsk on Atticus Minor. It failed. The confederate government could not defeat the Zerg, and resorted to the media to try and get more military volunteers, However, the media had lost faith in the confederacy and began to turn in favor of the rebels.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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