Part two: The guild wars

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The planet Char was settled by the confederacy because of its heavy metals. However, it became a source of tension between the confederacy and the privately owned mining operations on Moria. By 2478, the confederacy routinely stole Kel-morain mining claims such as the Paladino belt by claiming the mines were illegal or one of the miners was a criminal before moving troops in. tensions between Moria and the confederacy broke into war at the battle of Noranda glacier in 2485. To make matters worse, riots and rebellions were becoming common on Korhal. The confederacy was beginning to fall apart and its leaders were willing to do anything to keep themselves in power. For four years the confederacy fought the Kel-morain combine on Char, Sonyan and Turaxis II. In 2487, The confederates Came into contact with an alien species on the fringe worlds, which would later be named the Zerg. They captured Zerg larva specimens and began to research  them. In order to keep the Zerg a secret, the confederates engineered a virus on the worlds were the Zerg lived and claimed the virus was a strain of Clorea. The guild wars finally ended in 2489 with a peace treaty with the Kel-morain combine. The war assured the confederates supremacy in the Koprulu sector. The confederacy made a number of attempts to take Umojan territories which were stopped by the Umojan protectorate, though war was never declared. However, on Korhal, a rebellian group was about to begin its seige on the confederates. 

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