“-Hyejoo Ha. 3 years old. Sorry for running into you earlier, aunt.” After introducing herself, the child who has name Hyejoo, looks up to her beaming mother and Jiwoo claps.

“It is nice to meet you, sweetheart. This is Yerim and she’s also 3. I think both of you will be good friends.” Jungeun says softly to her best friend’s child and showing her own.

“Hi Hyejoo!” Yerim greets to the other child, finally happy that she’ll have a new friend now.

“It’s Olivia.”

“I think she’s already at her emo pace.” Jinsol says and she received a slap from her girlfriend.

“Nah, Jiwoo prefers it as quote, the pace where our daughter finally understands the cruelty of the world, end quote.” Sooyoung says as she looks at her girlfriend just like what Hyejoo did earlier, and Jiwoo beams again.

“That’s quite… uhh deep?”

Jinsol chuckles after hearing Jungeun’s whisper and she sweetly plants a kiss on the younger’s forehead.

“Ow! I suddenly remember that we need to start our work now. Good luck on your first day of babysitting our baby, Soo!”

And Sooyoung groans loudly.


The author still can’t believe that her best friend is a mother now and they will babysit Yerim and the little girl who has wolf like eyes for the whole day.

“I’ve never imagined in my entire life that I’ll babysit a child nor have one.”

Jinsol chuckles upon hearing her best friend’s rant for 49th times that morning. They just left Eclipse for about half an hour ago yet Sooyoung already rambled that much.

She must really hate having a child.

“So why did you agree to Jiwoo about adopting Hyejoo then?” Jinsol asks while watching her own daughter eating French fries with her new friend.

They’re on McDonalds right now and letting their kids eat whatever they want before going somewhere to entertain them.

The author heard her best friend sigh before answering, “Jiwoo wants so bad to have child already since God knows when and I don’t know… After I saw her smiling widely while watching that annoying Hyejoo… I immediately told her to fix everything so we can adopt the little rascal as soon as possible.”

“Whipped culture.”

“Pfft. As if you’re not one, Jung.”

Leaning their elbows on the table and putting their chins on their hands, the two mothers continue to watch their daughters in high chairs and playing rock-paper-scissors.

Both are thinking about their own pasts, not believing that they are parents now when they didn’t even dream nor plan about having a child. Yet two certain women changed everything and flipped them one-eighty degrees perfectly.

Maybe you really attract what you hate.

“I think you need a proper introduction.” Yerim says to Hyejoo before munching a fry.

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