i was lost in looking at the pic, but the door bursted open with Faiz and Hasnain making their way towards me. immediately switched my phone off so that they don't see the pic i was seeing.

They will tease me...

And you will blush...hehehehehe

Teased my brain.

Shut up...not again

I was busy fighting with my brain and that i forgot they had entered the room until i heard Hasnain speaking

Hasnain: i told you Faiz, something has happened to him. Zoning out a lot.

Faiz: oh shoot did some alien attacked him?

Hasnain & Faisal: shut up Faiz.

Faiz: okkk

He said with a pout like a girl.

That's why i hesitated him being with my sister. See this is the result.

Hasnain: can you give me your phone?

Ooohhhh i have not backed from Jannat's pic. They will see.

Faisal: why do you want my phone btw?

Hasnain: so you won't give me your phone?

I nodded my head as no.

Hasnain looked at Faiz who in return nodded his head.

They are upto something...

Faiz: Faisal you know what happened today?

What happened?

I was thinking what might have happened when they snatched my phone.

Faisal: you cheaters. Thats not fair.

Hasnain: everything is fair in love and war.

They laughed.

Faisal: its locked you don't know the password.

I smirked

But it immediately faded.

Its Hasnain turn to smirk

when he kept his right hand fore finger on the fingerprints lock.

he has his fingerprints in my phone as well.


It opened.

Hasnain looked at the pic then shown to Faiz. They both looked at eachother then at me.

I don't know i m feeling shy.

You have totally become a girl. Mocked my brain

Hasnain: whats this?

Faiz: tell me this is not true?

Then they both shouted..

Hasnain & Faiz: YOU LOVE JANNAT?

I became hyper, everyone is out. Someone might listen.

Faisal: shu shu shuuu guys someone might listen to us. Are you mad or what?

Faiz: you tell, You love Jannat?

I looked at Hasnain who had a small smile. I gave him a broad smile which made his smile broader.

I nodded my head as YES.

Faiz & Hasnain: ahhhhhh congratulations

They shouted and started jumping on the bed.

ScHoOl  LoVe To An EtErNaL LoVe✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang