Cassie didn't want to outwardly mention her brother's killer, so she attempted to insinuate it. Luckily for her, Mrs. Weasley easily caught on. She would never admit it, but it was hard knowing the person who murdered your brothers are out there.

"Yes, I get what you mean," Mrs. Weasley sighed. "It's bad enough knowing You-Know-Who is out there, but now we have to worry about nearly a dozen more of his followers!"

"Hopefully the war will end soon," Cassie said optimistically.

"I hope it will, but unfortunately, I think it's just begun," Mrs. Weasley said sadly.

There was a few minutes of silence at that. Everyone hoped this war wouldn't last long, but deep down they knew it wasn't ending anytime soon. Like Mrs. Weasley said, it's as though it has just begun.

Cassie cleared her throat, "Anyways, is there any chance I'm able to leave soon? I'm getting sick of being cooped up here."

"Let me take a look at the wound and I'll let you know," Mrs. Weasley hummed.

Walking over to where Cassie was sitting, Mrs. Weasley slowly lifted her shirt to reveal the wound site. The wound was clearly scarring as a long light pink line was visible. Luckily this was happening though, since it's more so new skin now rather than healing.

"Wow, you heal fast!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed.

"Does this mean I can leave then?" Cassie asked hopefully.

Mrs. Weasley tapped her fingers against her chin, seemingly deep in thought. "You should be okay to leave... but you have to take it easy!" she added quickly.

Yelping out in joy, Cassie jumped to her feet, pulling Mrs. Weasley into a bone-crushing hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she squealed.

The woman chuckled in response as the kitchen door opened, revealing Remus and Sirius.

"What are you so happy about?" Remus asked amused.

"Oh, nothing, just the fact that I'm getting the hell out of here finally!" Cassie cheered with a huge smile plastered on her face.

"What? You can't leave yet!" Sirius yelled out instinctively.

Sirius was currently very confused about his feelings. In one way, he wanted to forget everything and focus solely on rekindling his relationship with Cassie, but in another, he's weary about her allegiances in this war. It was difficult being suspicious of his own daughter.

Cassie groaned, "Why is it that you always think you have a say in what I do in my life?"

"I think Padfoot might actually be right about this, Cassie. You surely can't be healthy enough to leave yet," Remus said hesitantly.

"Surprisingly, she's actually healed much quicker than anticipated," Mrs. Weasley added.

"See?" Cassie said while lifting up her shirt slightly to reveal the long scar.

The two men looked at it in shock. After a curse being sent to her like it was, they didn't expect it to heal only a few days later.

"Well, as long as you're healed up I don't see a problem," Remus voiced.

"You don't see a problem?!" Sirius thundered. "Someone almost killed her and you just want to let her leave?!"

"Stay out of it, Sirius," Cassie hissed through gritted teeth.

"It's not our decision to make," Remus said quietly.

"Like hell it's not! She's nothing more than a child!" he exclaimed.

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