1.Year One: Platform 9 and 3/4

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I rushed into Kings Cross Station still confused about the last 2 hours, I have learned I am a witch that belongs at 'Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry' and have went to a place called Diagon Alley and got all of my school supplies for the school which mainly consists of loads of text books, a wand, a cauldron, school robes, and a barn owl.

I looked down at the ticket in my hand 'London to Hogwarts... for one way travel, Platform 9 and 3/4' I read "Platform 9 and 3/4?"

"This is probably a joke that the kids at Wool's are playing on me" I said to myself. I grew up in Wool's orphanage, My parents were muggles I don't remember them though they died in a tragic car accident I was 1. I have a scar on my right cheek thankfully that's all. The Wool's kids and I never got along neither did me and our caretaker Miss Holly. She tried to steer clear of Professor McGonagall the Deputy Headmistress at Hogwarts when she arrived to explain everything to me.

McGonagall didn't tell me anything about how to get to platform 9 and 3/4 or maybe she had, I blanked out at some parts in our conversation due to shock.

I shivered has a cool breeze blew through the door, I pull my thick purple flannel tight around my body. I try to maneuver my trolley around the people (I fail by hitting a pole and accidentally a person). I look up and see platform 9 and 10 but no 9 and 3/4.

A group of 6 people with fiery red hair walked over to the middle of platform 9 and 10 where I am standing "Trying to get to platform 9 and 3/4 dear?" questioned a middle aged woman with curly red hair with a kind smile, there was a small girl next to her she looked a little shy. "Yes, thank you I'm new to all this" I said pushing my black hair out of my face."I'm Molly Weasley" said the kind woman holding out her hand "I'm Abbie James, nice to meet you" I said shaking the woman's hand.

"Don't worry about getting to the platform dear you can watch us and we'll explain" said Molly with a kind and loving tone. This gave me a lot of comfort, but also a little sadness I haven't felt a motherly love like this is in a very long time.

"We better get a move on it's almost 11" said a boy with the same red colored hair. I looked at a clock hanging up above it read '10:55'

"Alright Percy you first" said Molly ushering a tall boy with curly red hair. I closely watched him run towards the wall between 9 and 10, I was waiting for a crash but there was nothing he disappeared through the wall. I stand there shocked. "See dear it's easy you just have to run at the wall" said Molly

"Fred you next" she pointed at a set of two boys. Twins. There we're both tall with the same red hair as everyone else. There where almost exactly identical but I could tell that one had a slightly longer face. "He's not Fred I am!" The second twin exclaimed"Honestly woman you call yourself our mother" they both said sarcastically. "Oh sorry George" the boy walked up and said "I'm only joking I am Fred" and then Fred and George ran towards the barrier disappearing into the wall.

That was confusing  I thought to myself, my thought was interrupted by Molly, "Abbie you can go with Ron it's his first time too" a boy who looked my age (which was 11) with the same red hair as everyone smiled. I noticed he a little soot on the side of his nose

"Just walk straight at the wall and you'll make it to the other side" Molly explained "Best give it a bit of a run if your nervous" she added winking

I took a deep breath closed my eyes and started running, I was waiting for a crash. Maybe I wasn't magic and couldn't make it to the other side. As soon as I knew it I was on the other side I looked around and saw family saying goodbye, a couple people crying, and a beautiful scarlet steam engine with the word 'Hogwarts Express' on the front.

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