Chapter One: Welcome to Danganronpa (Part Two)

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(Everyone just stood in the gym, looking at each other. I think that they're trying to process this, like me. I put my e-Handbook in my jacket pocket and decided to break the silence.)

SMG4: So... what now?

Luigi: I'm not sure. But there is one thing I'm sure about; I'm not killing.

Tari: N-Neither am I!

Belle: We play first-person shooter games, if anything, it should be easy for us to get away with it.

Mario: That's totally not sus.

Luigi: And, I know that Mario wouldn't. He can't even hold a butter knife right.

Boopkins: How could I even do anything?

Bob: Yeah, short stuff. If I were to do any harm, I would only do it in self-defense.

Luigi: That I can understand. But would you get out of here still?

Meggy: I hope not...

SMG3: Hey everyone! Rules and regulations! To save you some time, listen up!

SMG4: Uhm... okay...

Luigi: You have our undivided attention, G3.

SMG3: Number One! Students may reside only within the school

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SMG3: Number One! Students may reside only within the school. Leaving campus is an unacceptable use of time.

Daisy: He said that there was no way out besides killing.

Axol: Then, it was kind of pointless to put that down.

SMG3: I know. Number Two! "Nighttime" is from 10pm to 7am. Some areas are off limits at night, so please exercise caution.

Saiko: What areas would be considered "off-limits" at night?

Tari: M-Maybe the g-gym...

Minion: The cafeteria, maybe, Miss Saiko.

SMG3: More than likely. Number Three! Sleeping anywhere other than the dormitory will be seen as sleeping in class and punished accordingly.

Desti: Hah! What's he gonna do? Kill us for sleeping in any place BESIDES our rooms?

Enzo: Now, don't get cocky, Desti.

SMG3: Number Four! With minimal restrictions, you are free to explore Hope's Peak Academy at your discretion.

Mario: Huh?

Desti: We're free to look around whenever we want, you idiot.

Mario: That's not polite. You hurt Mario's feelings.

Desti: You think I give a shit?

SMG3: MOVING ON! Number Five! Violence against Headmaster Monokuma is strictly prohibited, as is surveillance cameras.

Bob: So, no matter how much we want to beat the shit out of him, we can't or else we'll be skewered?

Peach: I would word it differently, but yes.

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