Diluc - Darknight Hero

Start from the beginning

After a nice hot bath, you had changed into a set of clothes most common in Monstandt. You ran her thumb along the smooth surface of the (P/VSN) orb. The metal of the long pin felt cold in your hands as you placed it down to do your usual half updo. Adding the pin as a final touch, a soft knock was heard at the door.

"Miss (Y/N)? Are you ready to come out?" A small, meek voice was heard on the other side. Opening the door, you were met with a timid gaze of the brunette from before. "A-ah, Master Diluc said he had something to do in Monstandt City and had invited you to stay as long as you'd like."

"That's very kind of your Master, but I must decline. I am to head to Monstandt and head home." Brushing past the small girl, you headed for the stairs and out the door. Even with the servant's calls, the (H/C) haired girl kept walking down the path towards Monstandt.

. . .

Finally reaching the gates of Monstandt, it had already become dark. The moon of Teyvat shone brightly as you neared the guards.

"Halt! Let us see your pass into the City of Monstandt." A knight held out a polearm to block your path. Sighing, you pulled out a jade Chinese token of a dragon. On the back were your name and rank engraved.

"Ah, I see. You are from Liyue." The guard inspected the charm before handing it back to the girl and raised his polearm. "You may pass."

Passing the guards, you hear them whisper amongst themselves. "It's the Abyss Order again. They are requesting to battle the Darknight Hero." One of the guards says.

"Great, this would be the perfect chance to catch the guy in action." Exclaimed the other.

As soon as you entered the city of freedom, you caught a glimpse of golden hair. A blonde girl and a floating pixie were running around the streets of Monstandt. Curious, you followed the pair without being detected.

"Darknight Hero?" The Shengxiao heard the conversations the traveller and the pixie had been having.

"He saved my cat once. I would like to find him to thank him." You overheard a civilian say. I see, so this traveller is out to find him.

"Let's go, Lumine!" With that, the pair ran to the small port area of Monstandt. Following them closely, you hid behind a half wall to witness the scene before you. In the midst of fighting an Abyss mage, was the red-haired man from the manor.

"Diluc! It was you! You're the Darknight Hero!" The pixie's loud exclamation could probably be heard by most of the neighbourhood had everyone not been asleep.

"Is that what they've been calling me? The Darknight Hero? I hope you didn't come up with it." Crossing his arms disapprovingly, the blonde, Lumine, shook her head. Deciding it was the right time to appear, you jumped from the top of the stairs towards the trio, landing gracefully.

"Ah! Eavesdropper! She could be a Fatui member! You heard nothing! Paimon said nothing!" Shaking her hands in front of her, the small pixie, Paimon hid behind Lumine.

"Fatui? Never would I involve myself with those nasty vermin." Sneering slightly, you crossed your arms over your chest.

"Then who are you?" Paimon carefully peeked over Lumine's shoulder as Diluc stood a little closer to you.

"I'm (Y/N) (L/N), the Lóng Shengxiao of Liyue. With your indiscrete interrogation, even the clueless Fauti could catch on to you." Rolling her eyes, you narrowed your (E/C) orbs.

"Ah, I guess we weren't as secretive as we thought." Rubbing the back of her head, Paimon laughed nervously.

"I thought I had told my servants to offer you hospitality." With a slightly furrowed brow, Diluc's stare was trained on your face.

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