episode 4

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Alex's outfit

Camille's Outfit

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Camille's Outfit

Camille's Outfit

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Alex's pov

Tori and I were ordering food from the food truck when Andre came over.

"What's shaking, bacon?" He asked.

"Oh, they don't have bacon." I replied.

"Just Burritos." Added Festus.

"Cool. Well, I'll take a burrito." Andre ordered.

"One Burrito!" Festus yelled to the inside of the truck.

"Who's he yelling to? He's in there by himself."

I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Get away stupid Bees!" Tori exclaimed.

"Don't even mention bees infront of me." Andre requested.

"Why, are you allergic?" Tori questioned.

"I don't know. I've never been stung by a bee, not once in my whole life." He pouted.

"And why are you so upset about that?" Tori asked confused.

"'cause I'm offended. I guess bees don't think I'm good enough for stingin'." Andre told us.

"I could stick you with a safety pin." I suggested.

"Nah, it wouldn't be the same." He denied.

Festus cut our conversation off by giving us our requested meals.

We walked through the different tables to find one to sit at.

"Hey, you can sit with us." Camille said to us. We three sat down at a table with Cami, Jade and Beck. I sat beside Beck.

"I don't want them sitting here except Alex." Jade complained.

"You know,  it's great that you are so open with your bitterness." Tori replied.

Alexandra Vega | Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now