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Mai Natsume was in, let's say, the Worst Day of her life at the moment. 

she was thrown in a Tournament that is said to have people from other worlds, she couldn't find her friends or anyone else that she recognizes, she didn't know where on earth she even was right now, totally lost, and worst of all, she was hungry. really hungry.

"aaaah. I've been literally walking for what feels like 4 hours straight, and I'm still lost!" she says as she was all alone and her stomach was growling loudly.

"and I'm even more hungry now" she whines.

right now, she would give anything to eat one of Noels cooking again. sure her food was beyond godly levels of horrible, but again, because of Mais rather.... bizarre tongue which reverses taste of food in her mouth, she was the only person that could handle Noels foods.

"Where even am I? I've never seen anywhere like this! Ooh if only I had some sort of guide or at least some kind of map!" She says feeling hopeless about her situation.

The city she was in at the moment, or rather where she was now, was a walkway under/close to a bridge in somewhat midnight. There was A few clouds visible due to the moonlight shining through.

For now, she was mainly looking Noel, Mokoto, Subaki or someone she at least knew and was familiar with. So far she was just absolutely and literally running in circles.

"wait," she pauses "I know! If I go to that bridge over there, I just might be able to navigate my way through! I can see this place from the high ground and have at least some kind of plan on how to_" before she finishes, she feels a presence somewhere around here

"huh?! who's there?!" she demands on guard

"well hello there!" says a rather.... crazy sounding voice

then on her reflexes, she dodged an upcoming attack that was aimed right at her, she didn't know what even stroke her, she only was thinking about not getting hurt right now

"eep!! who did that?!" she yells

"Oops, sorry!" said the voice again, and soon, Mai now had a good look at her Attacker

"My hand slipped!" said the voice rudely

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"My hand slipped!" said the voice rudely

"Slipped?! that was totally aimed right at me!!!" she yells at the figure with red hair and.... Bloody looking arms

"So what if it was, huh?!" yells the figure hostile 

Mai steps back a little with her spear in hand "just... who are you?! and what did I even do t you that your attacking me like this?!" she asks

"oh simple really! I'm BORED out of my god damn mind!!!" yells the figure
"and since I haven't had a plaything for a while, I decided to Just come and have fun with YOU little missy!!"

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