Chapter 18

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Soon their wedding day arrived.

Rey was dressed in white gown made of lace. She held a bouquet of red roses and Temiri held her hand as he escorted her down the aisle.

She smiled at Ben standing at the altar. She would never forget the way he was looking at her.

It seemed like an eternity passed before she reached the altar. Temiri smiled at Ben before giving him Rey's hand.

Rey and Ben said their vows to each other, then Temiri passed them both their wedding rings.

"Take this ring as a symbol of my never ending love," Ben whispered, placing the ring on her finger.

"Take this ring as a sign of my never ending love," she smiled, placing the ring on his finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," said the priest. "You may kiss the bride."

Ben leaned in and kissed her deeply.

She smiled kissing him in return.

They pulled apart, then they each took one of Temiri's hands in their's.

Ben knelt down so that they were at eye level. "Temiri, we've asked the priest for this ceremony to be not only a wedding ceremony, but also an adoption ceremony."

Temiri looked surprised, but overjoyed.

"Temiri, I promise that I will love you like my own son for the rest of my life. I promise to try my very best to be a good father to you, and to be a good husband to your sister," Ben said.

Rey smiled. "And I promise to love you like my own son. I will try to be a good mother to you and all of the children that we may one day have. I love you, Temiri."

"I love you too," Ben added, hugging him.

Rey wrapped her arms around them both.

When they broke the hug, Ben pulled a chain that held a ring from his pocket. "Temiri, take this ring, it bears the seal of my family. You will now bear my name and be a member of the royal family. This seal will allow you to do anything that my son would be able to do."

Ben placed the chain around Temiri's neck. He scrubbed his head gently. "You'll grow into it one day."

Temiri smiled at him.

"And remember Temiri, blood isn't what really makes a family. It's love that binds us all together," he grabbed Rey's hand and she smiled warmly at him.

"Thank you, daddy," Temiri said hugging him.

Ben smiled, hugging him in return.

The End

A Family For Christmas (Medieval Reylo AU) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now