Into the courtroom

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"I, Erwin Smith, 13th Commander of the Scout Regiment, offer the following proposal. We intend to accept Eren as an official member of the Scout Regiment and utilize his Titan ability to retake Wall Maria. That is all."

"Hmm? That's all?" Judge Z asked what everyone wanted to know. "Yes, sir. With his help, we can reclaim Wall Maria. I believe it's clear what our utmost priority should be."

"I see. Tell me, from where would you launch this operation?"

"Pyxis. The wall has been completely sealed in Trost District, correct?"


"I doubt its gate will ever open again. We hope to depart from Calaneth District to the east. From there we would approach Shigashina by establishing a new route from scratch."

"Just a damn minute! Shouldn't we be sealing the gates now?! The gates are the only part the Colossal Titan can break! If we can just reinforce them, we'll never be attacked again!"

"Shut up, you merchant dog!"

"With a Titan's help, we can return to Wall Maria!"

I noticed the tension in the room growing. My eye twitched making me turn to Levi. He glanced at me before nodding at the center. I turned and observed Eren who looked perplexed but also like he had something to say.

"We can't put up with any more of your childish heroics!"

"You have a big mouth you, swine." Levi whose face had already darkened said suddenly. The room turned to look at him.

"What guarantee is there that the Titans will kindly wait while we holster the gates? When you say 'we', you mean the friends you're protecting so you can fatten yourselves up. Are you pigs blind to the people who struggle to survive off what little land is left?"

The merchant was stunned and immediately made to defend himself. "I'm just saying that all we have to do is seal the gates if we want to live!"

"Hold your tongue, you miscreant! You would suggest that humans meddle with Wall Rose, a gift from God?! That wall is a divine miracle that transcends human understanding! Do you still not realize that humanity must not touch it! Th-that's disrespectful!" The priest had begun yelling at the merchant.

"Shut it, you lousy priest!"


The Premier tapped the desk grabbing their attention. "Order! I ask that you save your personal sentiment for another venue. I wish to make certain of something, Mr. Jeager. As a soldier, can you continue to serve humanity by controlling your Titan ability?"

"Yes, sir. I can!"

"Oh? But it says here in the report about the Trost battle that just after you transformed, you swung your fist at Mikasa Ackerman."

Shock covered the faces of the teen as he glanced over to his friend. I noticed the scar on her cheek. She shot a glare at Rico who said something I couldn't hear.

"Who is Mikasa Ackerman?"

"I am sir." She said stepping forward a bit.

"You, huh? Is it true that Jeager in Titan form, attacked you?"

"Remember, be honest or he doesn't have a chance." I reminded her silently. After a moment of hesitation, she answered. "Yes. It's true."

"I knew it, a Titan's a Titan!"

"However," She quickly continued. "He also saved my life on two prior occasions while they were in Titan form. The first time, just as I was about to fall into the hands of a Titan, he intervened and protected me. The second time, He protected Armin and I from a bombardment. I ask you to take these facts into consideration as well."

"Just a minute. I believe her testimony is also driven by personal feelings. It should be noted that Mikasa Ackerman lost her parents at a young age and was taken in by the Jeager family. What's more, our own investigation into this matter led us to a most surprising discovery. Eren Jeager and Mikasa Ackerman at the age of nine stabbed and killed three adult robber kidnappers. Even if it was in self-defense, we cannot help but question his basic humanity. Should we really place personnel and funds in his hands not to mention the very fate of humanity?!"

Sounds of agreement filled the courtroom as I turned my gaze to the teen "Don't do it. You're going to get yourself killed." I muttered watching him grow continuously agitated. I could tell he was impulsive and that wasn't always a good thing.

"He's clearly a monster in children's skin."

"Her too. I bet she's not human at all!"

"Yeah, we should dissect her just to be safe!"

"Hold on! I might be a monster, but she has nothing to do with this! Nothing at all!" Eren yelled.

Those within the room wouldn't agree and began arguing with him. "Like we can believe you!"

"It's the truth!"

"She's one if you hafta protect her!"

"No!" Eren yelled. A loud clink from the metal sounded as Eren pulled forward. This stunned everyone as they quickly quieted down. "No...It's not like that...But you're all using speculations to push your own selfish agendas!"


"In fact...none of you have even seen a Titan, so why are you so afraid?! What's the use of having if you're not going to fight?! If you're afraid of fighting for your lives, then help me! You cowards!"

"What!" Someone exclaimed shocked. I turned to look at Levi. He returned my stare before looking away. I sighed before returning my gaze to Eren.

"Just shut up and invest everything in me!" Eren finished with a loud yell stunning everyone. Then from across the courtroom with the Military Police was heard: "Take aim!"

"Yes sir!" The gun was cocked and aimed at Eren. I shot a glare at Levi to which he decided to take action. Leaping over the half wall that separated us from the center and calmly walked to Eren.

Before I knew it, his foot was already swinging forward. I watched as Eren's tooth flew out of his mouth and onto the floor.


Beside me, Arlert restrained Mikasa as Levi proceeded to beat Eren up. "Wait, Mikasa!"

"My personal belief is pain is the best tool for teaching discipline. What you need now is to be taught a lesson, not given a talking to. And you happen to be in the perfect kicking position." Levi said his foot on Eren's head. Crossing my arms, I rubbed the bridge of my nose.

"Wait, Levi!"

With his foot in Eren's face, Levi's uninterested eyes swiveled over to the voice. "What?" He said as he wiped the soles of his boots on Eren's face as he brought his foot down.

"That's dangerous. What if he gets mad and turns into a Titan?"


Little authors note here. I have gone through and reinvented the story a little bit and now have y/n as non-binary. I was hoping some of you guys could send me some fanart which [should I receive any] I plan on adding to the end of the later chapters and whichever has the most comments [I will be reading these like always] will become the new cover of the book and the winner get's a chapter dedicated just to them. So just send them through my dms and let's all just have fun.

Anyway, that is all. I hope you all have a wonderful amazing day and I love you all so so much. Byeeee

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⏰ Última atualização: Mar 02, 2022 ⏰

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