Chapter 1

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It was another busy day, and the office was unusually quiet. A young blonde man was lounging behind his desk, enduring the silence of the office while working. It almost hurt his ears and was almost thankful for it to be broken when the office door opened along with the sounds of footsteps. Police Captain Sawamura along with Lieutenant Lieutenant Sugawara entered the office room. The two of them stood with an air of purpose and scanned the room, looking for a familiar blonde newbie. They approach his desk the moment they saw him and the people in the office were quietly observing. Everyone knew what this was about. The blonde newbie was sitting, doing his task, his back facing the two senior officers.

"This case is yours" said Police Captain Sawamura, who grabbed the young blonde man by the shoulder, handed the files to him and gave him a reassuring squeeze. He accepted the file, then he looked at his superior, everyone looked and stared at them. Nobody in the room wanted to handle that case at all. However, the two officers in front of him had the authority to change that, and Tsukishima thought it was weird to give the newbie an unusual murder case. Which was the reason for the silence to begin with.

The whole team went to the scene of the crime yesterday and found a woman who was probably around his age or a few years younger. She was just sitting in front of the house in a skimpy black dress, smelled like alcohol and was smoking when they arrived. It was the most casual thing to do and the police immediately secured her as either a witness or a potential suspect. When they opened the door of the big house, were utterly shocked of what they saw.

In the office, the whole room was still and silent, only the young blonde and the Police Captain could be heard talking. "Why me?" Tsukishima asked the Police Captain who just smiled bitterly at him. "This would guarantee a promotion, you need it" Tsukishima Kei, was a newly assigned inspector in the police agency in Miyagi. He had a principle ever since he was young, and that is to live a normal and easy life. He went against that the moment he chose to be a detective, just to find who killed his brother, Akiteru. He knew he needed the promotion, however being told about it just makes him angry. He signed and eventually nodded at his superior and stood from his desk, took his laptop, and made his way to the interrogation room.

On his way there, he read the file of the girl in question, each document one by one. Yanagisawa Akira, only child of Yanagisawa Kurona and Eiji, 24 years old. Became an alcoholic since the death of her parents 5 years ago and has been living with two roommates since college. The two roommates were Fumikita Yumiko and Sasagawa Reika, both were found dead in the huge house which was owned by Yanagisawa. Both girls were killed through slitting the throat in the living room. A single kitchen knife found with fingerprints of one of the girls however it was not the murder weapon. The murder weapon was never found.

Tsukishima looked up when he was at the front of the interrogation room. He closed the document and entered the interrogation room and found two newbie police officers behind the one-way glass. On the other side of the glass, the girl was nibbling on an unlit cigarette, she was still wearing the same things from yesterday. There was a table, one with its back facing the door, the other was across the table where the girl in question was sitting. The one-way mirror was at her left side and they saw grim behind the girl's eyes. The blonde scowled "Tsk", he hated idiots like her, letting themselves fall victim to vices, and who knows what else she has done to have something like this to happen. "You think you can handle it?" one of the fellow newbies of the blonde said. This one was quite lacking in height and had orange hair. The other one was tall, quietly observing the girl with a bad look on his eyes. "Idiots, stay on this side of the mirror" Tsukishima said coolly and made his way to the adjacent room to question the girl in custody.

Tsukishima opened the door and went in, purposely slammed the door behind him to intimidate the girl. Yanagisawa Akira did not even turn to look nor flinch. Tsukishima looked at her with a serious calm face. Eyebrows furrowed, he asked "Why kill them?" in an assertive calm manner. He calmly approached the empty seat and made himself comfortable. He opened the files and looked at them one by one. He always thought accusing people first brings out the truth. People will always want to protect themselves. Yanagisawa freed her mouth to speak, Tsukishima noticed her movement and decided to put down his files and looked at her, she looked Tsukishima right in the eyes and sighed "I have nothing to say to you," she looked away and went back to nibbling her cigarette. Tsukishima noticed the already very ragged end of the cigarette, and from what he knew, it hasn't been 5 minutes since she took it out. Which meant she was nibbling on the thing very hard; she may not look like it, but she's still in shock.

"You know what happened" Tsukishima declared while he played with an unreadable look on his face and made it look like he was uninterested and was not planning on pleading her to talk, easing the girl from any attention she did not want.

"Get me out of here" she said.

"No", Tsukishima replied.

"Then fuck you!" she spat, slamming the table with her hands, which made Tsukishima scoff. "Be careful what comes out of that filthy mouth of yours, if you think the police are all goody two shoes who can tolerate you, then you're wrong" the blonde leaned back, raising his sight to meet the girl's eyes which were empty of anything else, full of hate. "Well, if you think I see the police as all goody two shoes, they you're wrong. You people are assholes" she spoke dangerously low, "Get. Me. Out. Of here. Now" she added, slowly rising from her chair. Her breath came harshly. The two newbie police officers behind the mirror were jumpy and were ready to act accordingly. Tsukishima stood from his seat too and signaled to the mirror for the two to calm down. He didn't need to see the other side for him to know that they were ready to come in for backup.

"I don't have to oblige to your thoughtless decisions. If I were you, I would calm down and talk. I'm underpaid and overworked, don't make this harder for the two of us." the blonde said bluntly. The girl did not talk.

"You're hopeless. Don't you want to catch the person who did this?" the inspector asked, the girl shook her head with a hopeless smile. "You people are on about solving the case and catching the person responsible for this but do you actually do it?" the look that the girl gave Tsukishima was fire, it was a look of someone who never forgets a grudge. "Once, there was an unusual crime. It was your usual crime scene with all the blood and shredded house minus the dead victims, police didn't take it seriously and you dare celebrate your promotion after you find one of missing corpses half a year later?" Tsukishima already knew the case from five years ago that involved this girl from her files—the Yanagisawa-couple Case. However, the hate and bitterness behind her cold and controlled voice did not come unnoticed from him and he saw himself from five years ago.

"Now, inspector...Tsukishima" the girl sat back down, as she glanced on the man's nametag "Am I now free to leave?" Tsukishima had enough of this, this is just tiring for him. He had no time reminiscing incidents from five years ago. He was talking about both Akiteru's death and the Yanagisawa-couple Case.

Sighing he took the girl's hands, dragged her back to the chair and handcuffed her. "I don't have time for this. Do you want this solved or not? I won't waste time, yours, and mine. So, talk" asked by Tsukishima.

"No, you can't make me. Just let me go" Yanagisawa said, her expression returning to the one she wore when Tsukishima came in. One last push Tsukishima thought. "Okay fine. I'll talk but... not now. I'm just tired," she added. Tsukishima was not contented with what the girl said, but it was a start.

The more Yanagisawa thought of her parents that were killed 5 years ago for a reason she still doesn't know and this time after 5 years, best friends, she felt everything leave her body. What more does life want from her? How much more does she have to drink to forget everything? When she got the call from Reika, she was in the middle of another drinking spree. She was so drunk and the place was so noisy that nobody would think your phone is ringing. She couldn't answer the call. When she finally came and left the bar, she was already listening to Yumiko's screams on the other end and Reika's voice telling her not to come home. "Why call me? You should have called for help" she muttered to herself as she looked up at the ceiling. It reminds her of Reika's own painting gallery at the attic. She won't smell paint in the house anymore. Nor taste Yumiko's boxed lunches. Both had proper lives, had lovers and they had a future to look forward to. Why leave someone who spent her life self-destructing? Yanagisawa's thoughts drifted until she felt rather than heard a click from the cuffs, watching as the one of her wrists remained on one and the other around the inspector's wrist.

"I'm getting you out"

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