Is That Malfoy

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Liebe therapeíes this spell can cure any creature who was a human earlier as it's the most powerful cure spell

Sierra- well we must work on some plan well I got a plan it's  great but we should first do this ritual we did with professor Neville and professor Harry so that if there is there any beast in the castle that is to be turned into their normal form as soon as possible is a that clear everybody and I know that  professor Hermione is pretty brilliant in doing these things so I guess professor Hermione will be leading this and till that time we will go inside the castle I need bellie no I guess that the castle is filled with more danger so I think professor Harry professor Ronald and professor Neville should come along with me as their pretty much skills with magic and just for some little details which are important we need Christina to come with us will you come with us please Christina

Christina - oh sure sweetie I will come alone well I'd better be a hawk or rat or a lizard

Seirra -  be any animal you want to Christina but quick we are running out of time

Christina - OK I will be a cat so they will think that I am your companion Belerice

Seirra - how do you know my cats name?

Christina - who do you think was listening about your nightmare + your dream in the train I was just sitting behind you and you didn't even know it that I was hearing it all I think we should go into the castle but I think you should take care of the box with the hair of Rapunzel you got

Rapunzel - I did not give anyone any hair Seirra don't touch that thing that is dangerous that is cursed your nightmare was to warn you that something bad is coming for you I just remember giving you my hair in your hand

Seirra - means my nightmare was completely true I think I should open the box and the brown hair I got is kinda specialised so I  think I should take it

seirra does the same and she takes the hair and goes into the castle with the cat and the professors with her in the hallways she hears someone singing a song about hallways

?????? - I've been ridding a bike into the hallways and it is fun trust me trust me darling

Seirra - who is it and

ka boom Draco Malfoy comes out of some classroom wearing a joker nose and a joker hair he was professionally dressed but was seriously looking funny that his brown moustache on his blonde hair

Harry - Draco is that you oh my God you look so funny and wow you have a nice voice you know

Draco - oh that is so sweet thank you Harry

Harry - wow is this a dream mean kind of nightmare well Draco and happy that you learnt to say my name and from now onwards seat Harry only it's not Pottah it's Potter

Draco - I am sorry Hari to say your name so wrong well from now onwards I will only say your name very correctly

Harry - thanks Malfoy

Ron - are you kidding me is this Malfoy I mean he looks so weird he was a joker curly hair and joker knows riding on a one tyre bicycle is actually draco Malfoy

Draco - oh yes it is my brother run well how is life would you like to have a Pie my dear brother

Ron- oh finally now you are so amazing to me thanks I will have one Pie

Ron takes the pie and looks into Draco's eyes and then ron says

Ron - Draco amazing Dracula bro where have you been all these years

Harry and Seirra looked really confused as they knew Ron and draco hates each other

Draco - Harry my brother you are so cool would you also like to have a pie well known why don't you eat your Pie

Harry - Draco you are giving away a whole pie  are you not happy about this

Harry makes eye contact with draco

Harry - Draco brother let's rock n roll
Yeah ya

They all started singing in different languages and forgot about the pies and started enjoying

Draco - I am riding a bicycle in the hallway I am riding the bicycle in the hallway I am so happy darling darling trust me yeah yeah I know I am cool I am ridding a bicycle in the hallway it I am riding a bicycle in the hallway always always always I will enjoy my hallways Hallway is a beautiful place it's the way you'll get the door different places hallway hallway I love it ............................................

Draco started singing this wierd song about hallways

Then draco offered Seirra a pie and Seirra made an eye contact with with him or else she tried to and then

Seirra - oh my my mama furious I should go back home because I love my mama and it is dark outside she would be furious I don't want her to be furious I love my mumma Hallway hallway I love my mama but I still love hallway it opens doors to a lot of interesting places hallway is amazing hallway hallway trust me darling I love it

It was all going according to the plan

=============The plan ===========

Seirra - I think it is happening because they are making eye contact with professor Malfoy

Christina - I have a plan I think Draco will ask you to have a Pie and that time only the boys made eye contact with him

Neville - yup it's kinda the truth you keep him busy and , and ..... I will quickly go out side to write with the book and quil to ask how to cure the idiot draco you act like them girls k

Neville ran out side and wrote in the book how to cure draco but he coul not write with the quill

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