Chapter One

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Finally, I'm home. It feels great but there's a heaviness in my heart knowing that I completely forgot to bade bye to my friends back in New York. I regret it. I was so tensed and anxious on the idea of meeting him that it completely slipped off my mind. And Lorenz didn't even bother to remind me.

"Let's go. What are you waiting for?" He asked. I turned at him and glared hard.

He starting laughed. He fu*king laughed.
I punched his shoulder. Not hardly but also not so lightly.

"Don't laugh." I hissed.

"Okay.... Okay.... But how could I not? You look like one of those evil women Liliana watches." He said trying to maintain a serious face.

He knew better than to annoy me when I'm angry.

"Let's get inside before I murder you." I said and pulled my luggage with me. He trailed behind me with my other luggage that contained my shoes.

"You could have reminded me, you know. But no, you had to remain quiet and made me forget I had to bade my friends. Your annoying ass knew that it slipped off my mind-" I was nagging him when suddenly we heard a scream.

"Carla!" A cheerful voice shouted. And like that all my tiredness, my anger, my anxiousness all were forgotten.

I looked towards the direction of the voice and saw little Liliana in her soft lavender coloured pajamas. Beaming at me, she ran towards me. I smiled and dropped down my bags.

Hugging her tightly, I realized I missed all of them more than ever. I was so into ignoring him that in the process I had rarely met with the family. It was so wrong of me.

I should not have let him get between me and the family.

"Oh my! Lia, you have much more prettier. I missed you, baby." I said and pecked her cute button nose.

"You too. I missed you too." She said.

But then, she pouted and said grimly, "I'm mad at you, Carla. You hardly met me."

I felt guilty when I heard that.

Smiling sadly, I said, "Baby I'm very sorry. To make it up let's go out tomorrow, huh? Pretty please?" I used my puppy eyes that hardly anyone could refuse.

I know I was childish acting like that to a 7 years old but don't blame me.

"Okay..... You are to be forgiven after we go out." She smiled and squealed.

Both of us going out means me buying whatever she wants, playing, going to movies, whatever you name it.

"Ouch! I'm hurt that you forgot me, Lily." Lorenz interrupted faking a sad face.

Lia just snickled and replied smartly, "No improvement in your acting, uncle."

We all laughed.

"Carla?" I turned at my right and saw Mama.

" Mama. " I walked upto her and hugged her tightly.

"My girl." She kissed on my head.

"Mama I missed you. And I am sorry that I hardly ever came here."

"It's okay. Now that you're here, let's spend time together to make up for the time lost."

Even at 56 years, she was a very beautiful woman. She became my mother the moment she saw me.
She loved me even when I was just a shell with no hope. She loved me even when I was afraid of everyone including her. She loved even when I threw tantrums.

And I'll forever be grateful for meeting her.


"Let's get you inside. Lorenzo bring her bags to her room. All the staffs have retired for the night. So, it's you." Mama ordered Lorenz.

You guys must be confused. Let me tell you who they are.

5 years ago, I was in an escort house. I was forced into it but I was saved. Lorenzo and his brother saved me. That time, I was broke. I had lost all hope that time. I was a living shell.

After they saved me, I got medical help for a long time. I went to coma because of my health conditions.

Even after I came out of coma, I wasn't mentally healthy.

Amara who is Lorenzo's mother accepted me as her daughter. I was welcomed into their family and since then, they are my family.

"Your Papa has also gone to bed. Meet him tomorrow. You must be tired. Rest well." She said as we reached my room.

"Yes, Mama . "

"Lily, come. Let's get you to bed."

"Goodnight Carla." Lia chirped.

"Goodnight baby." I pecked on her cheek.

They went away. Lia is Lorenzo's niece, so basically mine too.

"Where do you want me to keep these?" Lorenz asked.

"Just near the bed."

He kept them and went away after wishing me goodnight.

It was 11 pm when I went to bed after changing into my pajamas.

I kept on tossing and turning because of anxiety. I was worried why Papa told me to come suddenly and was anxious of meeting him again.

We met during family celebrations but we have never talked properly. He wanted to but I always ignored him. I had to come up with a new excuse everytime he wanted to meet me.

Guess I can no longer run away from him.

"Papa? " I called out as soon as I knocked on the door.

"Come inside. "

I swiftly opened the door and went inside.

There sat Papa in his chair. He had the strict aura around him that people often are scared of. But to us, he was the best. He was friendly and usually smiled at us.

"Come dear. Sit down." He smiled at me.

"How have you been?" I asked as I sat down at the chair opposite to his.

"I have been well. You have grown up beautifully, dear. Sorry, I called you earlier than expected."

" No problem." I smiled lying through my teeth. I couldn't say I don't want to because they don't know what I have been doing for the past 3 years.

And I can disappoint them. I just can't.

We talked for a while discussing what we should do.

I walked downstairs slightly stressed out that I have to go to L. A. and worked with him.

"Carla, see who came here?! " Lia shouted cheerfully pointing her finger towards the living room.

I looked at her and beamed. But I fell my face lost all its colors when I saw who was there.

The man who I have been ignoring. The man who saved me. The man who made me live again. My first and only love. The first born of Luciano Rossi and Amara Rossi and Lorenzo's brother.

Alessandro Luca Rossi.


Here's the first chapter!

Hope you guys like the upcoming story!

Instagram- ❇ sylvia_ah_khuman ( personal)

❇ silvie_dea_ (writing)

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