Chapter 5

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"Hey Lou, I need to tell you something. I don't expect you to understand but, I think I really like yo-" Harry started, entering the older boy's room. When he walked in, he was faced with an empty room. He looked around, trying to figure out Louis' whereabouts, when he saw the door to his bathroom left opened. He walked towards it, peaking inside to see if Louis was inside. When he was once again witnessing an empty room, he walked out of Louis' bedroom, walking downstairs. He saw Liam and Niall sitting on the couch watching a movie and Zayn in the kitchen searching for food, but the eldest of the group was no where to be seen. He frowned lightly entering the living room and walking over to the two boys watching the movie.

"Have any of you seen Louis?" Harry asked, moving over to sit besides Niall on the couch. Liam and Niall shook their heads before turning their attention back to the movie playing. Harry sighed, leaning back to rest his head on the back of the couch and looked at the T.V. screen. Zayn came out of the kitchen with a bag of chips in his hand and plopped down on the floor in front of Harry so Harry's legs were besides Zayns arms. Harry lightly pulled on Zayn's hair, asking him the same question he asked the other two boys. Zayn pulled out his phone from his back pocket and unlocked it before nodding in answer to Harry's question.

"Yeah, he's with Eleanor, didn't he tell you? They're meeting her parents today." Zayn said, not bothering to look up from where he was hunched over, scrolling through his Instagram feed. Harry felt his stomach tighten a bit at his words. His heart sank a little as he tried not to let the disappointment reflect on his face. He nodded tersely before looking back at the movie. He watched the movie for the next couple hours, his thoughts not wandering from Louis. 

At one point, he fell asleep, tiredness taking over. When he awoke after an hour or so of sleeping, he kept his eyes closed, letting the boys think he was still asleep. He heard them talk. Their banter mostly consisted of Liam and Niall talking about the movie they had been watching, arguing over who the girl should have ended up with. Zayn would occasionally say something sarcastic in response to one of the boys. Harry lightly smiled before cuddling further into the couch about to sleep again when the door opened. The smell of Louis' perfume spread around the whole room and the boys all got up, asking the boy how the meeting with the parents went. Louis' happiness was contagious as he explained how the lunch went smoothly. 

Harry didn't bother moving, keeping his eyes closed. When he felt Louis' body next to him, arms wrapping themselves around Harry's side, he pretended to wake up, yawning and stretching. "Slept nicely?" Louis asked. Harry looked at Louis, sadness starting to seep in again. 

With a nod, he smiled.

With A Nod, He Smiled.Where stories live. Discover now