Chapter 2

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"I asked her out! And she said Yes!" Louis shouted entering the room the boys were seated in. Louis and Eleanor had been talking for a while now so when Louis finally asked her out on a date and she agreed, no one was surprised. However that didn't stop Louis from stressing out and imagining all the ways she can reject him, many a times ranting to the boys about the unfairness of the society for setting gender biased standards that involved the boy making the first move. So when Eleanor agreed to go to the movies, Louis was ecstatic. The boys all congratulated him, patting him on the back and demanding a celebration. The atmosphere in the room was light, happiness flowing through all of them, the buzz in the room made it easy for Harry to go unnoticed. So he took this opportunity to slowly leave and go to his bedroom. He lightly closed the door to his room, walking over to his window, staring at the pink sky outside. He sighed, lightly resting his head against the cold glass as he let thoughts of Louis enter his mind. 

Hours later, the door to his room opened to reveal Louis. His glowing face and giddy smile made Harry smile unknowingly. He watched from his place by the window as Louis collapsed onto his bed and crawled all the way up to the top, resting his back against the headboard. The older boy waited for Harry to carry out the rest of the routine that always ended with them on Harry's bed wrapped in each others arms talking about their days.

However, Harry chose to sit on the chair by his study table instead causing Louis to frown lightly. Before he could say anything though, Harry spoke, "The other boys crashed yet?" Louis just shook his head, a smirk making its way onto his face.

"They're wasted. Liam found a bottle of tequila from somewhere. Needless to say, its now over." Louis said, both the boys chuckled lightly before growing quiet. It wasn't uncomfortable though, both of them having known each other long enough that they could be in the same room and not talk without making it awkward. Louis soon broke the silence though, asking a question that was bugging him, "You left. I had seen you with the boys and then I saw you leave. Why?" If Harry didn't know better, he would have thought that was insecurity lacing Louis' voice.

"Was tired." was all the younger boy said, choosing not to elaborate. Louis rolled his eyes.

"That explains why you're wide awake right now!" Louis exclaimed, faking enthusiasm. Harry just laughed. 

"Starting to think sarcasm is your first language..." Harry muttered.

"Don't you love that about me though? I know Eleanor does." Louis said jokingly, smiling cheekily. 

'If only you knew.'  Harry thought. He sighed, trying to stop himself from confessing. Louis looked at Harry, eyebrows pulled together as if asking, 'You okay?' 

The younger one just looked down. He blinked his eyes multiple times to get rid of the moisture, before he looked at Louis again.

With a nod, he smiled.

With A Nod, He Smiled.Where stories live. Discover now