"Gran Torino said it was the only way you would respond with a yes if I had something I can use against you. But I couldn't think of anything until I saw the hickey. Don't worry. I wasn't going to say anything anyway. Can I write all the information about your quirk in my notebook while we train?"

He pulled back from hugging me slightly to look at my face waiting for an answer, "All Might and Gran Torino hinted a few times that your quirk was a touchy subject for you, so I wanted to ask before."

"Let's train first, and I'll see what I think after the first few sessions, okay?" I pulled his hair back out of his face to see his emerald eyes.

He brightly smiled and nodded while pulling me in closer to show his gratitude more. "Thank you again. I am going to go back to the room with Todoroki and Iida, okay?" I simply grinned and nudged him that way as we started to walk back. Now how am I going to tell Toshinori that he got his wish? I can already hear him saying, "I told you that it was the best thing for you to train, Young Midoriya. I'm glad you came to your senses." Ugh...


"I'm glad we came to an agreement about Young Midoriya. He was pleased to have you train him, Mai." My old mentor smiled brightly and pridefully as he went in for a sip of his tea.

"Yeah, did he mentioned that Gran Torino told him to blackmail me," I grumbled on the couch in the teacher's lounge while munching on some cookies.

"You needn't pout, sweetie. And yes, he did. He also mentioned the hickey." I nearly choked. I looked at Toshinori, mortified how all the wrong people know about the stupid hickey Vlad left. I was met with a raised eyebrow with the side of knowing sunken blue crystals staring at me. "I am not judging. I am actually glad to hear that you and Aizawa made amends and moved past what happened in high school..."

"He said it was Aizawa?!" I half shrieked half coughed because of the cookie still lodged in my mouth.

"Was it not Aizawa?" The skeleton of a man before me scrunched his eyebrows. He then leaned over to pat my back lightly to help with the coughing.

"No, it wasn't." I grabbed hold of his arm to let him know I was okay and wasn't choking anymore. "I went on a date with Vlad. We've been having a thing for a little while, so we decided actually to go on a date, and it almost went further, but then I had to go to the hospital. The hickey was just..."

"I got the memo. You don't need to explain any further. Please." He grumbled the 'please' part, probably hating this as much as I do.

"Can we just agree to never, and I mean NEVER speak of my love life or anything like that? I was already embarrassed enough when Aizawa and MIdoriya mentioned it at the hospital." I puffed my cheeks out and mumbled.

"Yeah, no, never again." And queue the awkward silence.

We were avoiding eye contact. Suddenly our cups of tea became the most interesting thing ever. "So, I heard that Nezu wanted to revamp the final exam... I hope he's not planning anything too difficult for the students."

"The teachers are supposed to have a meeting about it later today, so I'll keep you updated about what happens. Do you want any help with how to train Midoriya?"

I shook my head, "No, I have a few ideas up my sleeve. But thank you. If Nezu or even Aizawa, try and make the practical part of the exam harder than it already is, please make sure that the counselors and parents won't be happy." Toshinori simply just nodded.

Suddenly my phone kept buzzing in my pocket. I looked at it, and luckily it was just a video call from my mom and not any unwanted callers. I answered and immediately was met with, "Wow que milagro that the great Mai Montoya finally answered her mother's calls." There she was, the curly-haired doctor, Mia Emily Montoya.

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