"You mean that Bell-tandem Lot place?" Bete asked with full confidence in his guess. He clicked his tongue when he saw the disappointed look on Leo's face. "I can't bother remembering something that was brought once or twice!"

Leo shook his head. "Once or twice my ass! It's called Hellsalem's Lot!" Leo had brought it up many times when he hung out with Bete or Lefiya. If he thought about it, really only Lefiya bothered to listen while Bete just nodded every now and then.

Bete pat his back. "So you're a little homesick, you'll get over it in no time. "He offered a smile to Leo who just rolled his eyes at Bete. Obviously Bete couldn't see it, so he thought he was doing a good job consoling his friend.

"Gee, thanks for the advice." Bete was snapped out of his smile after hearing Leo's sarcasm soaked words. He rubbed the back of his head for an idea to help.Bete thought back to the times they'd hang out somewhere. 'Maybe I should've listened to them when they talked... nah.'

Bete said the only thing he could think of. "Let's go do something to get your mind off home then. Any ideas?" Leo pondered on the offer. He thought back to how he got to this world in the first place. He subconsciously gripped the sealed blood breed in thought. 'Portals brought me here. That was like magic. Maybe researching magic could help me get home!'

Leo had a small smile. "You know anything about magic? Maybe some kind of transportation magic?" Leo should probably ask Lefiya this question, but Bete is all he has right now. Leo saw Bete open his mouth to say something, he also watched him hold still while thinking of what to say before settling his posture and shrugging.

"I know where the library is. Maybe we could go there." Leo nodded and followed Bete as he turned around. He watched Bete look down every intersection they came across. He started getting a bad feeling.


Three hours. It took three hours to find the library. It turns out that it was two buildings away from where they started looking, and that Bete had walked the exact opposite direction. "I told you I knew where it was!" Bete had a prideful smile.

"Three hours, Bete! You were lost, the only reason we made it was because I suggested we retrace our steps after you said we might've passed it!" Leo shouted at him. Bete scoffed and looked away.

"Nevermind. Let's just go inside." Bete led Leo through the front doors into the building. When they entered, Leo calmed himself down and looked around. He was amazed by the building. While libraries may not have been part of his life very much back home, credit is due where credit is due.

The building was massive with high shelves of books and a second level that allows an overlook of the entire place. Tables and chairs aligned perfectly in front of the shelves, each one made of wood while the chairs also had some soft cushions built into them. The few pillars that held the veiling up were made of stone, each one having complex and grand decorations carved into them. Yet despite all that, one thing stood out the most.

"No one's here." Leo blurted out. While the building was incredible, the room itself was dim and had a depressing feeling radiating off of every book. Cobwebs had formed in the corners while dust lined nearly every piece of furniture and every book above five and a half feet high. At least there was evidence of someone trying to keep the place clean.

Bete stepped forward with a raised brow. "Wow, never actually been here before. If I knew libraries were this sad then I wouldn't have bothered remembering." Bete inspected a front desk looking area. He brushed his finger across it and found a layer of dust now coated the tip of his finger. The small amount of dust caused Bete to sneeze. The volume of the sneeze complimented all the dust it kicked up in a four foot radius.

Is it wrong for these eyes to be in a dungeon?Where stories live. Discover now