Part one

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I see bullets flying people screaming. Well they ARE rubber bullets , and I'm at a BLM protest not a war zone . I see a girl on the floor crying . You okay I ask no the girl says. You need some help ? Yeah the mysterious girl says . I help her to her feet . Yo what's you name Jasmine she says , What's your name Orlando Orlando James . Well thank you Orlando James she said for helping me she smiled then walked away . Well this is my sign to go home . I run all the way home. Uh oh lights are on which only means one thing imma bout to get my ass whopped by my momma . WHERE YOU BEEN my mom screams as soon as I walked in. At the BLM protest . OH SO NOW YOU THINK YOU GROWN SNEAKING OUT TO GO TO SOME PROTEST. Mom stop yelling I say . You want to end up like your daddy shot do you she says ? DO YOU? No Ma'am I Say . Okay then go to your room this is not over young man . Fool thinking he grown ain't that some shit my mother mutters . I climb the stairs enter my room jump onto my bed and I pass out .

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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