4) Their Friendship

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Jinora's POV
The two weeks back at school was pretty good, both my coach and music teacher are loving my improvements.
To be honest I think they were just being nice. I was a state.
My running time was down and my flute playing was off.
My classes them self are good.
And I'm back into the swing of things.

Opal has been talking about Bolin nonstop since they started dating two weeks ago... I love Opal but I'm starting to regret getting them together.
Suki says she'll be back to normal in a month, it's just the original shock of starting to date or something.

My first impressions of Kai were wrong, which I am happy about.
He is really funny and makes things interesting. We chat a lot during PE, chemistry and now Maths. He's not that best a school work but I have started helping him in Chemistry and Maths since we have been placed next to one another.
I have a feeling that was the head teachers doing, I thing they are hoping that I will rub off on him.
Which I also hope.
He has been begging me to teach him my pen tricks but the thing is I don't know how I do it, I just do.

It is now Sunday afternoon and I am out at the park with my siblings and our mother.
Melo has been teaching himself to skateboard over the summer and now wants to teach me.
Ikki is here for moral support or just to watch me fail and then laugh.
Mum took Rohan to the swings, which he loves.

"Get on the board!" Melo ordered
"Okay... Ikki come here so I can use to the balance," I said anxiously
"Fine but Melo hold my phone... I want to document all of this!" Ikki said coming to my aid,
"Now what?" I asked holding Ikki by the forearm,
"Start to roll your self with you foot," he said holding the phone up,
"This isn't so bad!" I said moving slowly,
"Wow that wasn't awful!" He said
"Them why don't you come one and show me," I said snarkaly climbing off, handing him the helmet,
"I will!" He said taking my place. Melo got on the board and road along quickly went down the path turning and coming back.
"Okay maybe you do know what your talking about!" I said impressed,
"Now come on it's not that hard!" He said pumping the helmet back on my head and grabbing Ikki's phone off of her, pointing it at me,
"Fine!" I said standing back on the board and slowly starting to move,
"Ikki will you do the honer!" He smiled
"I would love to!" She smiled pushing the board,
"Okay guys very funny, now how do you stop it?" I asked starting to roll quickly way,
"Umm I don't know!" He said
"What?" I asked picking up speed, "Melo this is not a joke how do I stop this thing!" I yelled over to him seeing the pond, which I was head straight for,
"I told you I don't know! I've never stopped going that fast before!" He yelled as they chased after me,
"Well then how do you turn?" Ikki asked trying to catch up with me,
"Hey Jinora need some help?" I heard a familiar voice said at my side pulling me off of the board just before it splashed into the pond,
"Kai?" I asked looking up at him as he put me down by my waist,
"Are you okay?" He smiled as I stepped back just as Ikki and Melo caught up,
"Yeah I am now thank you!" I smiled hugging him, then turning to Ikki and Melo, "thank guys!"
"Sorry! Jinora!" They said in unison looking down at the floor,
"Well here's your skateboard back!" I said picking it out of the pond,
"Grouse!" Melo said taking it off of me
"So Jinora who your friend?" Ikki asked looking at Kai,
"Ikki, Melo this is Kai, Kai these are my siblings, Melo and Ikki," I explained,
"Nice to meet you... by the way nice catch!" She said showing us the slowed down version of him saving me,
"Thanks?" He said
"Kai, can you teach me how to stop on a skateboard?" Melo asked excitedly,
"You don't have to!" I smiled,
"Na it's fine. I'm guess if you want to teach Jinora how to ride you'll need to know!" He smiled walking away from the pond.
The 4 of us went back up to where we were before.
Ikki and I sat on the grass, she was on her phone and I took out one of my books to read.
"Hey Ikki, Jinora watch this!" Melo said doing a trick on his board,
"Wow Melo your getting really good at that!" I smiled sitting up,
"Yeah! I guess now you can actually teach Jinora to ride!" Ikki said
"Why do I need to learn to ride a skateboard, I can ride a bike and in a few months I'll be able to get a drivers license," I said putting my book down,
"Because you promised!" Melo said with his sad puppy dog face,
"Uuuuggg! Fine but Kai is helping, I do not trust either of you," I said getting up reluctantly, "if it's alright with you?"
"Yeah!" He smiled putting the helmet on my head,
"Yay!" Melo said excitedly, "then we can teach Ikki!"
"NO!" She said firmly,
"Oh yes Ikki," I smiled turning to her,
"Wait, why don't I teach Ikki on my board and Kai you teach Jinora!" Melo said excitedly pulling Ikki up,
"Yeah, Melo you stay up here and I'll start the lesson down there!" He said picking up his board,
"You know you don't have to do this," I said as we walked over to the other path at the bottom of the park,
"I know, but it will be fun!" He smiled
"Okayyy..." I said nervously,
"Don't worry we'll start slow, hold onto me and climb onto the board," he said putting his for in front of the wheels.
I grabbed into his forearms and stood on the board.
I never noticed this before but Kai is surprisingly muscular and I knew he was taller but standing on the board facing him I was still just up to his chin.
"Now we're are going to slowly move the board!" He said
"Kai I am not a child please don't speak down to me," I said looking up at him,
"Yeah but you are the height of one!" He joked laughing at me,
"Haha, very funny, I get it I'm short!" I said annoyed.
He spent the next hour and a half teaching how to ride and I only fell once mostly because Kai kept catching me. But I did manage to start, stop, ride and kind of turn, which was a little better than Ikki. How got into an argument with Melo after 10 minutes.
"Thank you for that!" I said
"No problem, it was fun," Kai smiled skating away.

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