2) The lunch

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Jinora's POV
Ikki woke me around 9 to help her pick an outfit for later.
"I have no idea what to wear?" She panicked dragging me into her room,
"Wow what happened?" I asked looking at the entirety of her wardrobe on her bedroom floor,
"I told you?" She winced flopping onto her 4 poster bed,
"Yeah but when did the tornado pass through!" I joked,
"Jinnnoraaaaa please help me!" She said into a pillow,
"Okay, you go have a shower, I will sort this out!" I sighed.

Ikki always gets super anxious about all of these kinds of events.
I don't think it's the hole other people because we have know them all for ever I think she is just scared about saying something stupid in front of out father and when ever she gets to nervous she word vomits. (You know when someone asked a billion questions and just keeps talking.)

I picked out a bright yellow skater dress, matching flats, putting on a tinny amount of makeup and her hair in two buns.
For myself I picked out a knee-length mustard yellow dress, small chunky heels, a bit of makeup and put my hair in a bun.
We walked down the main staircase were our brother's and parents were waiting for us.
"You look very nice Jinora," father said smiling at me, "and so do you Ikki!" He moved a piece of her hair,
"Will you stop, she looks. Perfect!" I said pulling her towards me.

We all got into the car and drive to the restaurant, there was Korra's family, Opal's family, Suki's family, Asami family and...
"Iroh?" I asked shocked walking into the room seeing everyone, "I mean your Your Royal Highness..." I corrected realising myself.
"Jinora!" He smiled walking over to where I was standing,
"I didn't know you were coming?" I smiled as we hugged.

Prince Iroh II of the fire nation. Iroh and I have been friends since we were children and we talk all of the time.
"Yeah I just got in this morning!" He smiled stepping back.
He is 4 years older than me, with thick black hair, hazel eyes, and at least two heads taller, he wore a one of his 'fancy' maroon suit's.

"Hey can I hang out with you!" Ikki whispered stepping forwards,
"Sure!" I smiled,
"Hey Ikki, how are you!" He smiled leaning down a bit,
"I'm good thank you, how are you?" She asked looking up at him.

The three of us went around chatting at everyone before the food was set.
Iroh sat at the end of the table across from my father at the other side, I was seated next to him, with Opal, Korra and Asami, Ikki sat across from me next to some of Opals brothers.

Kai's POV
Mako has been dragging me around the shops today, for school clothes since this place actually had a uniform unlike my other schools which were chill.

The uniform is white shirts, a tie, any type of trousers and black shoes, that's the basic of the uniform but from that you can add what ever you want.
Which is so stupid but it's whatever.
He was picking out like 7 different notebooks and binders for each of my classes, like I'll need more than one, right? 😑😶

I kept text Bolin asking him to make up an excuse for us to come home early but he said he was busy.
What on earth could he be so busy with that he couldn't phone Mako to say that he needed to come home righty way.
After what felt like 4 hours we finally went home.

It was later so I went to take my dog Lefty out on a walk. He's a pit-bull.
I took him on a walk towards the harbour on my skateboard.
On the edge I saw girl around my age reading with her legs dangling above the water, next to her sat a large fluffy dog leaning on her.
We slowly walked closer when the dog turned around and started growing at us.
"Sssshhhh! Pepper, calm down!" She said stroking the dog turning around to see what she was barking at.
It was the same girl from yesterday, Jinora. She turned to us and smiled.
"Hi!" She smiled,
"Hey!" I said walking closer, "it's Jinora right?"
"Yeah! Kai?" She asked unsure, "we walked into each other yesterday right?"
"Yeahhh! Sorry about that by the way," I said going to sit next to her but her dog crept growing and barked,
"Pepper! Sit!" She ordered in a firm tone, the dog sat down but continued to stair at me encoring my dog completely, "sorry about Pepper she's a bit protective,"
"Na it's fine!" I said sitting, "So. What are you reading?"
"Oh, it's nothing!" She blushed putting the book behind her,
"Really?!" I smiled getting up slowly and grabbing the book,
"Hey!" She said trying to reach it,
"'The Shinning' by Stephen King. Aha a sit dark," I laughed looking at it,
"Yeah well, it's a good book," she shivered snatching it from my hands.
She was only wearing a dark yellow dress, her heels her off to her side and her hair was in a messy bun, like she had just left a party.

"So where were you dress so nice," I asked sliding closer,
"Oh just some boring lunch," she said,
"A very fancy boring lunch," I added,
"Well my family doesn't do casual, if your not in a dress or suit are you even going out!" She said pulling her dress down to cover her knees,
"So where was this 'casual' lunch?" I asked covering her with my brown bomber jacket,
"Thanks!" She blushed pulling it around her, "just a bunch of my father associated and there families,"
"So no body that interesting!" I said stroking Lefty,
"Well, there children for sure and seeing Iroh was good," she smiled,
"Oo who Iroh?" I said. What I meant was 'Is he your boyfriend?'
"Well you will probably know him as Prince Iroh II of the fire nation," she said starting to pick at her nails.
Wait this girls know The Prince of the Fire nation personally... who in earth is she?
"Wait what? I thought you said it was a bunch of your fathers associates. Why was the Prince there?" I asked turning to face her,
"You have no idea who I am do you?" She giggled covering her mouth,
"Why should I?" I asked confused,
"Well I should head off. It was nice to meet you properly Kai!" She blushed getting up.
She slid her shoes back on and gave me back my jacket before walking off with her dog behind her.

That night, I kept thing back to my conversation with Jinora on the docs.
I recognised her but I didn't know from where.
Until about half 12 when I just googled her.
'Republic city Jinora'
There were about a 1000 hits, all about the same girls.
Jinora Air.
I spent about an hour reading about her.
And everything her family.
When I saw that the giant statue in the middle of the water just off of the city was her grand father, the statue I could see out side my bedroom window.
I knocked over the granddaughter of the man who has a 150 foot statue in the city.
At the moment I am just straight at believe that she hasn't got me thrown into prison.

Kainora- a good girl, bad boy storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang