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"Kay?" I say looking towards the door.

"The girls were so worried about you! I'm so glad you're okay!" She walks over to me, giving me a hug. I hug back.

"Zach? What are you doing here?" She asks, walking over, giving him a kiss.

I smile, they're such a cute couple, but the smile fades when I remember Zach telling me he loves me.

"Come on, let's go home. Y/n, will you be okay alone tonight?" Kay grabs Zach's hand.

"Yeah! I'll be great. You two go have fun" I give a half smile, knowing I don't want to be alone.

"Are you sure? I can stay" Zach asks, and Kay tugs on his arm.

She never really liked me, she always thought Zach and I were too close. I don't mind, Zach and I are only friends, him and I both know it's all we'll ever be, I think.

"I'm good, go go" I fake another smile.

"Okay! Bye y/n, feel better soon!" Kay says dragging Zach out with door. He's got a sympathetic smile on his face.

I lay back in the bed and stare at the ceiling. I'm tired but not enough to sleep.

I lay awake staring at the ceiling until almost 8 in the morning, which isn't bad since Zach and Kay only left at 5.

I finally start to shut my eyes when I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in" I yell, laughing quietly to myself.

"Hey y/n" I look over to see Corbyn and Daniel walking in with some breakfast.

I sit up in my bed and smile at them while they hand me some food.

"Where's Zach? He didn't stay with you?" Daniel asks taking his breakfast sandwich out of the bag

"No, Kay stopped by to see me, and pretty much dragged him out" I take a bite of my food.

"Kay? Didn't they break up a couple weeks ago?" Corbyn asks taking his food out too

"What? They broke up?" I ask confused

"Yeah, he didn't tell you?" Daniel says with food almost falling out of his month

"Ew, Daniel, close your mouth" We all laugh.

"And no, he didn't tell me. They were kissing in here so I assumed they were still together"

"That's weird because we totally thought he was going to ask out-" Daniel starts but Corbyn interrupts him

"So! Do you know when you're getting out of here? It's kinda creepy"

"Tomorrow I think. I can't wait to be in my own bed" I smile. "Are the other boys here?"

"Well.. Jonah is pretty much banned from being in the waiting room, Jack is with Lav all day, and Zach is, whenever he is" Daniel shrugs

"But we brought some board games and cards, so if you'd like, we can keep you company" Corbyn whips out a deck of cards.

So the three of us played games and made jokes for the rest of the day. One of them leaving to go get lunch or dinner, but not once leaving me alone.

They even stayed when I napped, waking up to them smiling put me in such a better mood. It was nice having them around all day.

I felt appreciated and loved, for the first time in a long time.

As time crept on, it was time for the boys to leave. They both gave me a hug and said their goodbyes.

I laid back in the bed and decided to get some rest, I close my eyes when there was another knock on the door. Before I could say anything, the door opens and someone runs in and quickly shuts the door.

I can't see who it is since all the lights are off. I reach over and turn the lights on.

"Zach? What are you doing here? Visiting hours are over" I squint my eyes, trying to adjust to the lights on.

"I'm sorry, I had to see you. I waited in my car until I saw Daniel and Corbyn leave. Were they here all day?"

"Yeah, they stayed and kept me company. Why didn't you just text one of them to say you were here? You could've played games with us" I pat the bed, signalling him to sit down with me

"I wanted to talk with you, alone" Zach sits down beside me and pulls me into a hug

"What would you like?"

"We need to talk about what I said, before we got interrupted" Zach puts an arm around me and pulls me closer

"Zach, we're friends, of course I love you too but you have Kay, and I have.. all my friends"

"So you'd be mad if I did this?"

He takes his hand to my chin, making me look at him. He gives me a smile and I give a weak one back. He starts leaning in.

Before I could reject, his lips met mine. It feels perfect, sparks and everything. I didn't want any of this to end. I wanted him here with me, forever.

I pull back quickly, he still has a girlfriend after all. He smiles at me but it drops when he notices I wasn't smiling back.

"I can't believe you just did that" I say taking his arm off of my waist

"You didn't enjoy it?" He asks with disappointment in his voice

"You just cheated on Kay. I can never forgive myself for that"

"But we aren't really together anymore!" He whisper shouts

"Why was she here then? Why did she kiss you?" I cross my arms and look in his eyes for an explanation

"I tried to break up with her, I really did" He looks down at his hands in his lap

"So you didn't break up? You're still together?"

"Yeah, I guess so.." He looks up at me with watery eyes, I can't help but feel guilty. Not because he's tried to break up with his girlfriend but because I helped him cheat on her.

"Zach, you should go" I lay back down in bed, reaching for the light switch to shut off

"Do you really want me to go?" He asks getting off of my bed

"We can talk again once you figure out what's going to happen with you and Kay. Until then, it hurts too much to see you"

With that, he walks towards the door. He looks back one more time before he left out the door.

As soon as the door shut, I burst into tears. He just confessed his love for me, and I helped him cheat.

What kind of person am I?

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