R- I slept okay. So today me and you were supposed to go on a run today but since you just got back I'm going with Glenn. You are going to be Pulling weeds and then you are going to count stack the guns

B- alright thank you. Be careful please.

I walked away and found the church. I started digging out holes for the flowers. Gently placing the flowers down and covering them. After an hour or so of planting and pulling weeds I finally finished. I stood up and wiped my knees and hands. I turned around and fell backwards as I bumped into someone.

B- ow

I stood back up and saw aberham

A- hey you doing okay. Daryl wanted me to check up on you

B- I'm fine aberham thanks

A- are you lying cause I feel like you are

B- I'm fine why does everyone think I'm not okay

A- I don't know the group thinks you are keeping stuff from us

B- well I'm not. You all went through my stuff and searched me. I'm not hiding anything alright. So leave me alone

I walked off to the house that carried the guns. I started to count what we had. We weren't missing any so I got the notepad and put it on the wall. I walked out locking the house and going to carols house. I knocked and heard her say come in. It smells like cookies.

B- hey Carol what are you doing

Cl- making cookies want to help

B- yes

I washed my hands before drying them off. Me and Carol spent the rest of the day making desserts. We were going to hand them out. We got some deserts and put them on people's doorsteps. I knocked and we ran and hid. We watched the people's faces light up. Me and Carol finally got to Daryl's house which was one of the last desserts to deliver. She gave me the chocolate chip cookies and Daryl the chocolate strawberry cake. It's three layers.

B- thanks Carol I really needed this. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight

Cl- night love

She walked away hugging me. I set the cake down and opened the door. I brought both desserts to the kitchen and heard a noise upstairs. If Daryl was home why didn't he just come to me like he always does.

B- Daryl are you home?

The house went quiet. Oh fuck no. I pulled my knife out and checked the downstairs. No one. I went upstairs doing a check of each room. Finally I gotcto Daryl's room. I opened the door and saw someone going through my stuff. I put my arm around there neck and held the knife to there throat.

C- wtf!

B- carl! What the hell are you doing!

C- I

B- fuck this.

I yanked his arms behind him and walked him outside. I walked to Rick's house. I knocked on the door. Rick opened the door with Judith and Daryl.

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