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SEPTEMBER 19, 2020

hey harry. yeah, that's understandable. i would give you advice but you technically just gave it to yourself! no but seriously, find a way to make whatever you're doing more fun or a little different. just like the queen julie andrews herself said, 'in every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. find the fun and snap! the job's a game'. let me know how it goes. as for my biggest fear, there's obviously the basic stuff like spiders and the dark. and wait- you're scared of fireworks? can't wait to use that against you! no i'm just kidding, i would never. but lets see, what am i scared of? well, i'm scared of love. its a beautiful thing, but i don't know if i'll ever get to experience it. i feel like in today's day and age with social media, everything is covered in a snapchat filter. you never really know people. and i don't know if i'll ever know what love is. i want to truly fall in love. you know, staying out all night in the rain and watching the sunrise, easy days and romantic nights in paris, running around a cruise ship titanic-style, that sort of thing. all i want in life is to truly fall in love. not through social media, but through a real soul connection. anyway, i guess that's my biggest fear. what about you? and also, i like the nickname 'love'. i think i can easily get used to that. bye harry.

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