The Wizard and the No-Maj (Part 7 - finale)

Start from the beginning

Course I will, Mum, he replied mischievously, snatching back his spoon and running up the stairs, banging the pot again - until they heard an angry Ginny and the pan dropping to the floor ( along with George, by the sound of it).

Mrs Weasley shook her head at her childrens antics (although she couldnt help but smile that it felt just like when they were living at home), then made her way back to the door. Ill see you at breakfast.

As soon as she closed the door, Fred dropped his head back to the cushion and let out another strangled groan, emitting a giggle from (Y/N). Im sorry about them, he complained - couldnt they try to be a little les chaotic just this once?

Letting out another laugh, (Y/N) raised herself up to eye-level with him and pecked him on the lips. Dont be, theyre great, she said while moving some hair from his eyes. Godric, he lived her so much.

Fred wrapped his arms around her again and pouted, confusing her for a moment. Is that all I get? One little kiss? What happened to giving me a big smooch?

Well, she laughed, I guess since it is Christmas...


Now how about those raid-anators that heat up the house, how do they work? Arthur quizzed; (Y/N) had sat at the table to eat her breakfast and was right next to Mr Weasley, who had been asking these sort of questions since they first made conversation - over an hour ago.

Well, er the boiler heats up the water and sends it through the pipes, and... um... the metal in the radiators heats up the room. (Y/N) answered, she didnt mind his odd questions, it was nice that he found such an interest in ordinary things.

And how do they do that? He asked curiously, how can it heat up a whole room? With water!

Oh, he was surely going to love her gift to him. Well hot air rises to the top of the room and sinks as it cools down, she explained, it was a good thing she was talented in this field, so the radiators heat up the cold air at the bottom, and it cycles around like that.


Fred watched from his seat beside her in adoration; any girl who could put up with his dads endless questions was surely a keeper, and not only that, but she appeared to genuinely like answering them. He really truly was the luckiest man alive.

Youre staring, George whispered in his ear teasingly from beside him, stuffing a bacon butty in his mouth with a grin. Youre so disgustingly in love with her, he stated, spitting little bits of bread at him.

Yeah, George, Im disgusting. Fred said, giving his twin a look of disapproval, after all, he wasnt the one spraying his breakfast about as he talked, was he?

Really, George shrugged, sipping some coffee from his favourite mug, you only met her in August and you already look like youre gonna start looking for a ring, he whispered towards the end of the sentence - if their Mum caught what he said, shed immediately start planning a guest list, joke or not.

Fred flashed a dark shade of red, almost choking on his juice - did he really look so obvious? George! He stressed in a hushed tone, giving him a wide-eyed glare.

What? Im just saying, it might be a little too soon but you two are really good for each other—

Oh Godric - sssh! He hushed again, hoping no one was listening as he leaned in, blushing madly. No- I-Im not thinking about that yet—

Yet? George smirked, setting down the mug, So you plan on it eventually?

What- well- I-I dont know- maybe but—

The Wizard and the No-Maj (Fred Weasley x American!Muggle!Reader)post war)Where stories live. Discover now