The Wizard and the No-Maj (Part 5)

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Walking up to the shop, Fred dragged a hand through his hair as mixed feelings of excitement, relief, and nervousness washed over him. As he stepped in and made his way to the counter to start his day, he spotted his twin in conversation with Harry – who soon saw Fred and waved him over, "Hey Fred, Where've you been?"

Before he could get a word out, George quickly answered for him, "With his girlfriend." He replied smugly as he crossed his arms and leaned on the counter.

Harry grinned in amazement and looked back to Fred, "Oh, really?" He teased, turning to face him properly, "Who's the lucky girl?"

Blushing against his will, Fred cleared his throat, "(Y/N) (Y/L/N)." He scratched the back of his neck anxiously – did everyone really have to know everything about his love-life?

"Don't know the name," Harry responded, scratching his chin in thought, "Did she go to a different school?"

Fred was about to come up with a perfectly composed answer, explaining why Harry didn't know her and simultaneously giving away very few details so Harry couldn't possibly figure out any more than what he wanted him to know. But, yet again, his brother beat him to it with his own answer. "She's a muggle," he replied plainly as he sipped his luke-warm tea, "from America."

Harry raised his eyebrows in surprise, standing a little straighter. "A muggle?" He repeated, "From America?" The twins nodded as Fred shuffled his feet sheepishly. Harry let out a laugh, "How'd you come across this one then?"

"Met her in muggle London, di'n he? Spent all bloody day with her, came home at gone midnight! Dirty-stop-out he is, took me ages to get him to tell me anything about her." By this point, Fred was starting to wonder if he was even a part of this conversation – 'Would he let me get a bloody word out?'

"And how long have they been together?"

"Well, he met her in August, right? Then he asked her out in early September – came home all love-struck like he'd just proposed." Fred stood there awkwardly as they talked about him, feeling awfully left out as Harry asked questions and George answered. Until one particular question caught his attention.

"So how's that gonna work?" Harry implored, "y'know, with her being a muggle and all?"

Both pairs of eyes looked to Fred, awaiting an answer that George couldn't give. He took a breath as he nervously played with his fingers – unsure of how this was going to go. "Well I... er I actually already told her... everything." He paused as the men stared at him in shock and disbelief. "Last night, actually."

There was a silence; Harry looked both shocked and pleased with his wide eyes and growing smirk; George, however, seemed completely bewildered and maybe just a little bit impressed.

"So," George started, clearing his throat and setting down his mug, "so its actually... like... serious then?" He asked awkwardly.

Hesitantly looking up from his shoes, Fred nodded shyly as his cheeks burned redder than his hair; stood before his brothers, the young man had never felt more like a little boy.

Harry was the first to crack, his face breaking into a humorous smile as he started to laugh. "Oh man, I can't wait to tell Ginny."

"Wait! N-no, y'can't tell her!" Fred interrupted with eyes bulging from his head.

"Why?" The brunette frowned in confusion – George looking up at his twin incredulously; Harry tells his wife pretty much everything – of course he would tell her about her brother's girlfriend.

Sighing, he leaned against the counter, "Because if you tell Ginny, then Ginny's gonna tell Mum. And if Mum finds out, then everyone will find out, and they'll ask loads of questions and then I'll have no privacy. Not to mention the fact that Mum's gonna want to meet her pretty much immediately – I don't want her freaking (Y/N/N) out! It took long enough for her to process this from me – I-I don't want Mum scaring her off and—"

The Wizard and the No-Maj (Fred Weasley x American!Muggle!Reader)post war)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin