The Wizard and the No-Maj (Part 7 - finale)

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Fred awoke to a pleasant feeling in his chest; the sort of content feeling that immediately that today would be a lovely day. As he started to gain more consciousness, it became clear to him why that was. Snow and frost had gathered at his window, the curtains half-open to let in the natural light, and he could just see the first few clumps of morning snowflakes falling from above - which of course meant that they would be playing out in that later, like children again. But the best part by far was that, bundled in the warmth of the covers, the most brilliant girl in the world was laying beside him, sleeping peacefully in his arms - and that pleasant feeling grew. He smiled in contentment, revelling in a rare moment of undisturbed bliss, resisting the urge to sigh aloud like some love sick puppy (which, of course, he was). It could have seemed strange, or perhaps even a little creepy, to any onlookers, but Fred couldnt look away. He felt like the luckiest man on Earth.

Gently, he carefully brushed some hair behind her ear - expertly, in a way he had done countless time before - to reveal more of her angelic face. (Y/N)... he whispered, hoping to ease her awake without disturbing the tranquil atmosphere: though perhaps it was a little too faint, given that it seemed to have had little to no effect. He trailed his fingers down the length of her arm and pulled her slightly closer, placing a soft kiss on her hair line. (Y/N), he murmured, a little louder this time, before placing another kiss on her jaw, listening for her breathing to change. Wake up sleeping beauty, he breathed into her ear, rubbing circles onto her arm. (Y/N) groaned in response, instead, turning over to tuck her face into his shoulder. Hi, he said, deciding she was awake enough as he ran his fingers through her hair.

Hi... (Y/N) answered in a low, groggy voice - he loved how she sounded in the mornings - then burrowed deeper into him, slinging an arm over his shoulder in an attempt to get closer, and placed a lazy kiss to his collar in her half-awake state.

Merlin, he wished every morning could be like this.

Morning, love, he said, hugging her tighter as he tangled their legs together, earning a muttered mrning from a dozing girlfriend. Then something clicked in his brain. (Y/N)? Fred tried to gain her attention, again only receiving a mumbled sound, Dont you know what day it is, love? She half-shook her head, Its—

Its Christmas! The door was thrown open, banging loudly as it clattered with the wall, and none other than George Weasley marched in, a wooden spoon in one hand and a cooking pan in the other. He rattled the spoon inside the pan through his yelling, successfully making as much noise as possible and scaring the couple fully awake. Wake up, lovebirds - its Christmas and weve got a full day of things to do! So get up! Get up! Get up! Get—

George Weasley, if you dont stop that ruckus right now! Yelled Molly, charging into the room and snatching the spoon from his grip and whacking him with it (not too hard, of course - she isnt brutal), then turned to the two still in bed with a pleasant smile. Oh good morning dears - dont you both just look adorable, she said with a grin, putting both of her hands over her heart; seeing her son cuddled up lovingly with the first girl hes ever brought home, both of them looking so comfortable (albeit a little embarrassed at the intrusion) in each others arms, it just melted her heart.

Mum... Fred groaned, rolling his eyes and trying not to blush.

Oh stop it, you do, she waved a hand, now, breakfast will be ready soon, so get yourselves ready, dears - and remember to brush your teeth, Fred—

Mum Im a grown man—

And yet last year you still forgot.

Last year I broke my toothbrush!

And there was the time that you didnt brush them for a week.

I was nine!

And you, she pointed the wooden spoon to the other twin can go wake the others, and remember to knock first, George!

The Wizard and the No-Maj (Fred Weasley x American!Muggle!Reader)post war)Where stories live. Discover now