Episode 1: My Wish-Boat

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" Hey! I bought it for her!" says Abhi arms crossed raised eyebrows.

"I am Sibhi the great! I will have what I want!" says Sibhi while licking the ice cream.

"Amma! How dare he?" says while trying to hold his cricket bat in anger and chased hin

"Kids where are you going?"
"Wait!" hailed their mom after them.

At the same time, their dad entered with grocery items and laughed at her
"Eventhough you are Inspector, you can't match their speed!"
"They are my boys!"

"These twins words and actions don't match their age" she said exhausted.

"And Mr.Husband, why haven't you prepared lunch yet!" she said by raising the eyebrow.


Abhi in angry tone "Do you think you are some emperor of the nation?

Sibhi laughs "Yes, I'm , my name indicates that!"

Abhi raises his bat while squeezing his eyes. And they bump while running.

"Be careful!" Siya said concerned and greeted them with smile.

"Siya, what are you doing here?
Have you done my home work?" asked Sibhi in dominant tone.

"My Lord! If you could come near , I will tell you" says Siya with grinned smile

When he approached near, she hit his head.

"Siya, it hurts!" yells Sibhi and finds Abhi controlling his smiles.

"Hey curly! Will you order me again!" siya glared at him.

"What? Behave like a Fifth Grade student Siya.. thinking she is Siya the queen from Ramayanam" says Sibhi while rubbing his head.

" Hmm?" both Siya and Abhi glared and gave wonder women pose.

A moment later

"Siya! This is for you!" Abhi handed over the choco stick to her.

"Wow! Choki!"
"Thanks Abhi" says Siya while receiving it.

"I am your best friend nu?" he asked with warm and endearing look

"Tring Tring" she heard the bike bell.

Turned back with sparkling eyes and charming smile towards the bicycle boy.

"Here he comes again!" Sibhi says in disinterested cue.


Near library

"Hey Siya! What are you doing?" shouts Sibhi sipping his lollipop

Siya snatched few newspapers from the old newspaper bundle.

Dragged Sibhi then ran in haste and hided themself from the librarian.

"Hey! Why am I hiding here?"
"See! I'm not newspaper thief as you!" says Sibhi in arrogant tone.

" Shut up! Keep it low or else I will tell librarian that you gave me this idea" her glare made him to purse his lip.

"Hey, did librarian go?" Sibhi whispered in Siya's ear.

Siya chuckled "You don't act by your name!"

Sibhi brushes his hair " Look I'm Sibhi ' Lord of Lord' "

Siya laugh out loud and intervened him " But coward!" and ran showing comical face.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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