Conduit of Humanity You're My Clone

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We had the honor of ringing in 2021 with the premiere of our latest video, "You're My Clone" on with Doug and Mel.This video was featured along with amazing performances by Kasim Sulton, Jason Scheff, Fernando Perdomo, Phil Thornalley and Mutlu Onaral.There were also some great interviews with Prairie Prince, Michele Rundgren, Bruce McDaniel, Bobby Strickland, Gil Assayas and Eliot Lewis to mention a few.Thanks to Holly Duthie for producing this video for us, and thanks to Dode for making us all laugh, and special thanks to Doug and Mel for making all of this magic happen.If you haven't checked out rundgrenradio before, do it.Doug and Mel are putting together some very entertaining virtual visions with great performances and interviews and opportunities for fans in this community to interact with the artists and each other.Their innovative approach to virtual live entertainment is so fun and inspiring, it will surely outlive our short term need to have distance.So check it out and get your clone to check it out with you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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