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3rd person pov y/n 's flat in Yorkshire 9.00 am

3 loud bangs at the door wakes y/n from his sleep

y/n: "I'm coming gimme a sec". he scrambles to put on clothes as the impatient person at the door continues banging at the door.

y/n: "fuck sake I said I'm comi- ahh, uh hi?" y/n opens the door to see a beefy man with a sledge hammer on his back

???: "y/n l/n?" the man spoke with a strong northern accent

y/n: "umm yeah?" he asks confused at the fact that a northerner just showed up at his door with a sledgehammer

???: " I'm Seamus Cowden I'm with Rainbow congratulations laddie ye've been chosen to join us" y/n looks at Seamus I excitement shock and disbelief

y/n: "no fucking way"

Seamus: " aye lad now get yer shite and hop in the car" y/n packs his essentials quickly and follows Seamus out of the building, arriving at the car y/n throws his stuff in the boot (trunk for Americans) and hops in the passenger seat.

y/n: "Oh I forgot to ask but, where are we going?"

Seamus: "Hereford 3-4 hours so may as well get some rest laddie"

y/n: "copy that big man"

timeskip brought to you by sledge shouting at people on the road

y/n pov

Seamus: "AH YA WANKER" I wake up fearing for my life, not sure what was going on

Seamus: "fooking kids on the roads these days, aye they do me noggin in"

y/n: " uh yeah, I guess? Are we there yet" I ask like a child on a road trip

Seamus: "aye lad jest down this wee little path" he says as he takes a left onto a bumpy dirt road through the forest. after about 2 minutes we arrive at a gate

Seamus: "Jordan open the fecker up"

Jordan (Thermite): "why do I have to be the fucking gate boy"

Seamus: "ye blew up Yumiko (Hibana)'s launcher, because you wanted to make it "look fancy" and Jack (Pulse)'s fooking fuming now open the damn gate" anyone who has a brain could figure out that Jordan is a pyromaniac, so it'll probably be best to keep anything expensive away from him

Jordan: " ok, ok, no need to get your titties in a twist"

Seamus: "fookin Americans"

y/n: " you've got that right, mate"

we drive in and are met with a huge compound in the middle of the forest

y/n: "Holy shit, this place is cool as fuck"

Seamus: "wait till we get inside" we step out of the car and I walk through the front door in awe looking at the modern, sleek design of the base. Seamus motions me to follow him , so I do just that, as we walk through the pearl white hallways of the Hereford base we come to a door with a 6 on it witch is where I assumed we were going. Seamus stopped at the door knocked, opened the door and stood aside. I walk in the office as the door closes behind me

???: "ah Mr l/n it's a pleasure to finally meet you, my name is six, please take a seat" I sit down trying to act professional, inside I am blaring with excitement

Six: "this week you will be settling in and meeting the other operators there are 57 excluding Seamus. you WERE going to be bunking with the SAS but due to constant nagging from operator Jager you will be with the GSG9." I wonder why this "jager" wanted to bunk with me sooo badly, maybe they just like new people,

y/n: "I don't mind bunking with them, considering I'm part German it will still feel like home" I was honestly relived to be with the GSG9 because Seamus seemed like a snorer who could awaken the kraken, and I'm not really a big fan of the English

speech over the intercom will be marked with ***

six: "***can IQ please come to my office***. your tour guide will be here soon." we waited for about 2 minutes before a nock came at the door

Six: "come in" the door opens and a blonde, short haired woman walks in "mr l/n this is Monika Weiss, she will be your guide" Monika looks at me and smiles

Monika: "marius is really exited to meet you" I assumed marius was the jager six told me about

y/n: "yeah what's that about, honestly it's kinda creepy"

Monika : "he's a really nice guy but he likes new people a bit too much, anyway lets get on with the tour, ja?

y/n: "ja" we walk out of the office and head over to the cafeteria

Monika: "i'll introduce you to the rest of the guys, then we'll get to the important stuff" as we arrive at the cafeteria Monika stops and looks embarrassed "And they're not here... well lets go to the gun range. we arrive at the gun range and I unpack my MP5SD and D50 "so just shoot the targets as they pop up, got it?" "yep" "oh and it IS a competition, currently he holds the lead *she points to a man in a throne with a bottle of vodka in one hand and an lmg in the other, rays of light beaming on him making him seem godlike* Lord Tachanka"

y/n: "he's.... Beautiful" "don't stare for too long, you'll go blind" I listen to her warnings, look away and load my guns "ready" I nod and targets start popping up I shoot them all with pinpoint accuracy after a minute I hear a buzzer and the targets stop moving, and my final score was 3 above tachanka

Monika: "uh oh" I hear heavy footsteps behind me, and begin to sweat in fear I turn around to see god himself in front of me

y/n: "forgive me lord for I have sinned" the Lord pats my shoulder mercifully and says "good work little man, you come for drink tomorrow yes?" "I'd love to my lord" tachanka walks away and sits his thicccc ass on his throne as I sigh in relief

Monika: "you're lucky he was merciful" "well that was terrifying" Monika giggles as she inspects my gun "I was gonna add laser sights bu-"

???: "FOOKIN LAASER SAAIGHTS" I jump look at the old man who appeared out of nowhere in confusion and fear as monika sighs "oh mein gott here we go again"

y/n: "as I was saying before I was very rudely interrupted I WAS going to add laser sights but they just give your position away"

??? ahh right boyo, the more crutches you have the more they hurt when they're kicked out from under you" " um ok?" the old man walks off mumbling about laser sights "what the fuck just happened, that's mike he really hates electronics, especially laser sights, anyway it's getting late i'll show you where our dorm is" we walk through the hallway until we reach a room with "gsg9" inscribed on the door

monika: "so this is where we'll be slee-" she opens the door to something I never thought I'd see, three german men dancing around with alcohol signing as loud as they can "MOSKAU, MOSKAU WIRF DIE GLASSER AN DIE WAND"

Monika: "WHAT THE FUCK?"


well there's chapter 1 done it's a lot longer than it was last time but halfway through my pc crashed and I lost 700 words I rewrote most parts but couldn't be arsed to write the cafeteria scene where y/n meets the gsg9 so I just skipped it.

leave any advice here pls. hwyl fawr

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