16 • Questions

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I woke up more dizzy than usual. My stomach was sore and I felt like I was melting. But when I opened my eyes to look down, I looked just like myself.

Madam Pomfrey came out from her small office with a tray consisting of a sandwich and some kind of juice. Her eyes widened a bit when she saw me.

"Oh, good. You're awake. How do you feel?" She placed the tray on the small table beside me and started messing with my pillows.

"Like I'm a puddle. Also, sore."

"That's common, don't worry. Just eat this and drink up." She shoved the tray onto my lap. "I'll let Mr. Wood know you're up. He hasn't left since you got here." She rolled her eyes and walked towards the door.

Not too long after, Oliver came nearly running in, a state of messy hair and dark circles.

"Y/N! Oh thank god, you're okay."

"You sound like my mum, Oliver."

He chuckled a bit and sat down on a stool next to my bed. "Yeah, I know. I was just worried."

We sat in silence for a little while, before he piped up again, his voice croaky.

"W-why did you do that? Put yourself in danger right in front of me?"


"You jumped in front of the blast. Why?"

"I don't know, I just felt like I had to."

"I wish you didn't, you know. But I can't control what you do."

I just barely caught the last part of what he said.

"Love makes you do crazy things sometimes," he trailed off in a breathy whisper.

My lips were pinched into a thin line. "Love does make you do crazy things. I guess breaking up with the person you claim to love is one of them."

At that point, the tension in the room was thick and I couldn't look him in the eye. As much as I wanted to be with him, a part of me was still mad that he denied my feelings and left me alone at the lake.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. You just didn't trust me, and I think you needed some time to truly find your feelings yourself."

I sighed and covered my face with my hands. There was so many emotions going on, not to mention that I wasn't really feeling great after the whole situation.

"You know what, I'm gonna let you rest," Oliver spoke softly, standing up. "When you feel better, meet me at the lake."

As he walked away, regret and guilt filled my stomach. I had so many opportunities to be able to say those three stupid words. Yet I'm still waiting for the moment that my body just forces them out.

Not too long after Madam Pomfrey sent me on my way. I began to make my way towards the lake, but I felt that first I had to do something.

I quickly turned in the other direction towards the courtyard, finding exactly what I expected and hoped to see.


It didn't take long for him to turn his attention to me completely, allowing the little first year he was bullying to run away.

"L/N. How can I help you on this fine day?"

"Save the niceties and send your goons off."

He narrowed his eyes but after a moment of maintained eye contact, he motioned for them to find spots elsewhere.

"Alright, now what's got your head steaming?"

"I'm not sure what you have against Wood, but seriously? Punching him in the face and then having your goon try to attack him? That's a new low for you."

He made a snarky face and rolled his eyes, "anger makes you do crazy things, love. Besides, how was I supposed to know Montague was gonna use a spell on him?"

"You're a clever person, I guess just not clever enough to use your anger for a more impressive attack or whatever you call it. Using your fists make you seem like a little kid with anger issues who didn't get his way."

He snorted and rolled his eyes yet again.

"And, you knew that Montague was gonna use that spell. You can't tell me this wasn't premeditated. You're smarter than that, and so am I, Flint."

"And yet you have nothing to prove that, do you, love?"

My fists tightened a bit with anger and annoyance, "call me 'Love' one more time. And I don't need anything to prove that. Play smarter next time, Flint, maybe you'll actually get somewhere."

Before he could say anything as a comeback, I began to made a bee line straight for the lake. Something about that interaction, as simple as it was, made me feel better about the situation.

When I got there, there was no sign of Oliver anywhere. I looked around, but all I could find was a small note sitting in the grass.

"Y/N, if you showed up I'm sorry that I left so soon. Quidditch celebrations and the fact that I didn't think you would show up caused me to leave. If you do get this, please come talk to me in the dining hall. I want to make things right.
Love, OW."

I pocketed the note and let out a weak sigh. I made my way slowly back to the castle, before an idea popped in my head. I nearly ran the rest of the way to the tower and made it to the dorms before anyone could get a word out to me.

(A/N: omg. I'm so sorry. it's been so long. I had a birthday this month and I went to Universal harry potter world is great highly recommend, but I also missed a lot of school because I got covid, so I had a lot of makeup work to do for school. I hope you all understand and aren't too mad at me, just know I really appreciate each and every one of you and didn't expect this story to blow up as much as it did so thank you so much!!)

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