14 • What a Weird Halloween...

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I eventually made my way back to the castle. Dinner was already over, not like I had an appetite anyway. I walked towards the library, hoping books would keep my mind off of everything.

To my pleasant surprise, Jeremy, Alyssa and Roger were already there, gathered at one table doing their transfiguration homework.

"Yeah, I just hope everything went well- Oh, hey Y/N." Jeremy said nervously, everyone else's heads nearly breaking to look back at me.


"Ok then. How'd it go?" Roger had a look as though he already knew.

"Well, he nearly yelled at me for not trusting him, told me he's loved me for years and can't think of any other girls, and then dumped me saying I needed time to figure things out."

Everyone's faces had changed in a weird sort of way.

"He said he loved you?" Alyssa spurted out, sounded way too shocked for comfort.

"What? What happened?"

"Nothing," Jeremy said lightly, "we just weren't expecting that, that's all. He did come to the dining hall, but I don't think he ate anything and he left early. Katie Bell was snickering and giving him weird looks, and when she tried to catch his attention he tugged his bag away from her and kept moving."

I felt absolutely awful at this point. "I messed up so bad." I let my head hit the table with a loud thump earning a glare from Mrs. Pince.

"It's okay, I'm sure. Percy said that all Wood could talk about was you and how he messed up before you both talked. So you both feel the same way," Roger comforted.

"Yeah. I don't know, maybe he's right, I need to figure things out. It may have only been a week, but every interaction he had with another girl had made me feel some type of way. Maybe I don't trust him as much as I think I do."

We let the conversation go and finished up quite a bit of homework before we went back to the tower. I wasn't feeling right, something inside of me was missing. And it was all my fault.

The next few days went by so slow, Oliver barely even glancing at me. I tried to carry on like normal, but nothing was the same, not even with my friends, or Quidditch.

I had heard all about Harry Potter being the new Gryffindor seeker, as it was all my friends could talk about. That also felt wrong, because everyone was telling me how he was gonna beat us. Everyone besides Oliver, which had never happened before, since he was usually the first one.

Of course, despite everything, Percy was more than willing to keep me updated.

"Ya know, he keeps talking about you," he said at lunch one day. "Asking if he made a mistake, if you still talk about him, if you're still upset."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, you really need to hurry up and figure it out so he can shut up."

"Yeah, but that's the thing. What am I figuring out? If I love him? I mean, I smelled him in my amortentia, a clear meaning that I'm in love with him-"

"Yeah, you're IN love with him. But do you LOVE him?"

"Percy... What?"

"Hear me out- being in love is greater than just loving someone. Being in love is what made your amortentia smell like him. It's something you can't control and something you may not even realize. But it takes a while, especially for someone like you, to realize that you LOVE him."

"I'm still not following-"

Percy let out a heavy sigh, massaging his temple. "You'll know, ok? You just will, don't ask me how."

I looked away, nibbling on my carrot. He makes no sense sometimes, how does he expect me to understand?

The next few weeks went by even slower than before. Nothing to look forward to, nothing new to listen to, no one to hold me, no one to tell me how beautiful I am- god I'm so lonely.

Everything changed on Halloween, though. At this point, change was the only thing I knew.

Professor Quirrell ran in during dinner, more distressed than ever, which was saying a lot for him.

"TROLL! IN THE DUNGEONS!!" And with that, he collapsed. Immediately, everyone started freaking out.

My first instinct was to find Kiera. Dumbledore calmed the crowd loudly, and ordered prefects to lead everyone to the common rooms. I could hear Percy's loud and authoritative voice through the crowd.

I couldn't see Kiera, but I saw two boys that she would hang around. Ronald Weasley and Harry Potter. I rushed towards them.

"Hey, you two!"

They turned towards me, their eyes frantic.

"Where's Kiera?"

"Oh well, you see-" Ron started.

"I don't have time to see anything where is she?!"

"Girls bathroom!" Harry yelled, and with that, I rushed off. What the hell was she doing there?

I saw the two boys following and paused in my steps. "What are you two doing now?"

"We made and mistake and have to make it right." Harry said, justifiably. I don't know how to feel about this kid.

We rushed along towards the girls bathroom, quickly and quietly. When we got there, however, we had run into one problem. The troll had beat us there.

The brown haired girl and my sister were cowering in stalls and under sinks. And I was petrified.

I wasn't equipped to handle a mountain troll, I wasn't convinced that I could anymore than these first years.

The troll continued to smash things, and I noticed the first years also panicking. They started thinking, throwing things, yelling, whatever they could.

Suddenly, a strange warmth and feeling and safe and comfort took over me. I unfroze, and my eyes darted directly towards Kiera, who was currently ducking under a sink in fear. I ran towards her, pulling her out and going into the corner her behind my back.

My wand was out, pointed at the troll, but what would I do anyway? What spell could I use?

The troll had it's attention on me, and as long as Kiera was safe, everything was fine. It made it's slow, ugly way towards me, and yet I felt fine. Was I accepting my death?

Kiera's scared sobs grew louder, as the troll drew closer. But before anything could happen, a figure jumped in front of my and zapped the troll in the eye. Now it was me behind someone, whose wand was out and ready.

It didn't last long after that. Miraculously, the two first years finished off the troll. Some professors rushed in, but I was busy comforting Kiera.

"What are you three-"

McGonagall glanced in our direction.


Kiera and I stepped out from the corner.

"Six? You know what, it doesn't matter, what are you all doing here?"

They glanced at the troll, and their faces shifted.

"Oh my, Albus!"

We got sent off with a slap on the wrist.

The first years, including Kiera, rushed off ahead, while me and our rescuer stayed behind, walking in silence.

(A/N: CLIFFHANGER YIKES IM GONNA GET YELLED AT. also two parts in a night don't get comfy 😑. but yeah, the only reason I made it a cliffhanger is because I don't actually know who I want it to be lmao, but yeah, I'll figure it out and you'll either hate me or love me idk we'll see. anyways bye bye!)

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