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[mom ^ ]

Cassandra wakes up the next morning and goes to the kitchen, where Bella stands with Luke.  She smiles at them and puts in a movie for her son. It was strange calling him her son after so many years of being told that he was her brother.


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Cassandra- Hi


She makes the pancakes, while Bella watches tv with Luke. When Cassandra is done cooking she sets the food on the table. Someone knocks on the door and the three look at each other, not expecting anyone. Cassandra opens the door and stumbles back in shock. Cole catches her and Bella comes up behind her. Luke pokes Cole and points at him.

Luke- Who is that?

Bella- Anton and Cole, how are you guys?

Anton- We were wondering if you girls would like to come with us to the park

Cassandra- We have to drop Luke off at his friends

Cole- Oh

Bella- But, we will join you guys after

Cassandra- Yeah

Anton smiles at Bella and leaves with Cole, who kisses Cassandra on the cheek. She blushes more and grabs her bag.

Bella- Cole seems cute

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Bella- Cole seems cute

Cassandra- Back off, you have Anton

Bella- okay

Cassandra- Your worried about Sylvia, aren't you?

Bella- Yah

Cassandra- She cheated on Anton a lot and can mind her own business

~ Park ~

Anton- She is so annoying

Cole- I know she is, why do you even stay with her?

Bella- Who?

Cassandra- Probably Sylvia, she is a bitch

Bella- Why do you stay with her?

Anton- Our parents forced me into an arranged relationship with her

Cole- Your parents need to let you live

They all walk around the huge park, after a while Cole and Cassandra separate from the others. She looks around and starts asking him the questions that were building up in her head.

Cassandra- If Luke is our son, why cant I remember it?

Cole- Your memories were messed up when you were thrown into this dimension

Cassandra- Was I banished?

Cole- No

Cassandra- What happened?

Cole- Someone bad wanted you gone and pushed you out of our home

~ A few hours later ~

The girls leave the park and get Luke from his friends, as Cassandra thinks about what Cole had told her. When they get back to the house the three eat dinner and watch movies. Luke falls asleep half-way through the third movie and she puts him to bed. Afterwards, Cassandra goes to her friends room. Bella stayed over so much, mostly due to not wanting to be in an empty mansion when her parents were gone most of the time, that she had her own room.

Bella- My mom has this cabin in the woods

Cassandra- Nope

Bella- Come on, it'll be a camping trip with just us and the boys

Cassandra- When?

Bella- Next year

Cassandra- Fine, I will go

Bella hugs her and Cassandra rolls her eyes, before going to her room. There better not be some kind of fairytale with the cabin or she was going to burn it down.

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