"Did everyone leave already?" I asked Dinah.

"Yeah." She mumbled as she crawled under the coffee table with a camera in her hands. I couldn't help but chuckle as she struggled to get comfortable.

"Ok they're here." Normani said as she dove behind the couch with her camera. I looked around the room and everything seemed to be in place. Amy was the only person standing by my side. I sighed when I heard the door open. Seconds later I saw Lauren walk in with the tramp by her side. I noticed that she wasn't wearing her own clothes. Eww is she wearing Elizabitch's clothes?

"There you are Lauren. I need to talk to you." Amy spoke up. Lauren turned in our direction and sighed.

"I'm to pissed the fuck off to talk to any of you. How dare you fucking scream at Elizabeth for a simple mistake!" Lauren raised her voice at Amy. I saw Elizabeth smirk behind her. That fucker.

"That's why I need to talk to you. I want to apologize for what I did yesterday." Amy lied. Lauren then faced me.

"What about you?" She questioned me.

"I have nothing to apologize to. Everything I said and did yesterday I do not regret." I answered honestly.

"Wow. So you even admit that you don't care for what you did yesterday. I can't believe I actually thought you were a decent person." She spat at me.

"Well can I at least apologize for my behavior yesterday? If Camila wants to be a bitch and not apologize then that's on her but I actually want to." Amy said as she stepped closer to Lauren. I flinched when she called me a bitch but then I remembered that she is just playing along.

"Fine." Lauren said and stood there to wait for the apology.

"Ok but first i'm going to need your help with my cut because I really can't stand the pain right now." Amy lifted up her arm and showed off the arm that Ally painted on to make it look like she was hurt. Damn I have to give Ally credit for that later. It actually looks real. I noticed Laurens eyes widen and she grabbed Amy.

"Holy Shit. What the fuck happened?" Lauren questioned. Amy pulled her hand away before Lauren can examine it more.

"Oh you know me. I was trying to ride the skateboard." Amy shrugged.

"Ugh! You're so stupid." Lauren then pulled Amy by the arm and dragged her towards the stairs. "Do you want to come with us?" She asked Elizabeth.

"Oh no. I kind of have to clean around the house since I wasn't here yesterday." Elizabeth smiled at her. Lauren nodded her head and proceeded up the stairs leaving me with the Devil.

"Just so you know, I know that wasn't a real cut. Obviously Lauren didn't notice it because she is a dumbass sometimes." Elizabeth said with a smirk.

"Don't call Lauren a dumbass." I felt myself growing more angrier.

"Whatever. Anyways why did you want to be left alone with me?"

"We have some unfinished business. I've already told you repeatedly to back off of Lauren and this is going to be the final time I say it." I took a step closer to her. I pretended to fix the collar of my shirt but instead I pressed the recording button. "So back the fuck off and tell her the truth."

"I already did tell her the truth. I told her how you are always threatning me and how you even got physical with me. In fact you're threatning me again. She even decided to end it with you because she knows that you are no good for her." She took a few steps closer to me until she was right in front of me.

"You're just a dumb piece of shit. I swear if you don't fucken tell her the truth then I will." I felt my hands turn into fists.

"No you're the dumb piece of shit." Just as she said that she reached for the collar of my shirt and yanked on the cord. "What you really think i'm a dumbass? The least you could have done is try to hide the fucking cameras better."

Why did it have to be you? (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now