I revved the engine a couple of times and heard her roar to life. I guess they'll hear me before they see me huh?


Just as I expected, students that roamed the parking lot and those with a seat next to the window poked their heads out to see who's this babe coming to school. When they realized it's me, boy oh boy to say they were shocked was an understatement. They probably thought I was a boy when I pulled up in my Betty. 

I casually walked into the hallway with my shades on ignoring everyone that stared at me, the boys that whistled, and the females that glared with envy. It was....refreshing. The second period was about to start so even more students flooded the halls and stared at me. 

"Snap a picture it'll last longer," I smirked and added a little sway to my hips. I sensed my best friend approaching me from behind and she threw her arm over my shoulders smiling at me. 

"Well look who decided to show up. I thought you weren't coming Mantha," She fake pouted and tried to add some tears for effect.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world Stacy," I said and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. We continued to walk down the hallway like yin and yang, laughing at all the people staring at me with lust or jealousy. I even smelt coffee and lavender but I ignored it...for now. If he wanted to speak to me he should grow a pair of balls and speak to me. I deserved better. Today is my day to look like a badass after receiving a badass whooping from the big bad alpha. I zoned out on our way to History class and I think Stacy said something about a new transfer kid I can't remember. 

"Good morning Mr. Smith," We smiled brightly at our favorite History teacher and took our seat. He acknowledged us with a nod and a slight smile then waited for the class to fill up. While I was talking to Stacy about the latest gossip and our training schedule, I smelt Dale's mouth-watering scent and refused to look his way. He doesn't even take History what is he doing here. My wolf sensed his wolf and wagged her tail in excitement but I quickly put up a brick wall before she started on her rants of how charming he is. 

Mr. Smith started speaking about World War II and Christopher Columbus and his voyages. Thirty minutes into the class, there was a loud noise then the classroom door opened. I thought I was making a scene when I came to school late, but hello I guess this guy took the award. Our teacher walked to the door before we could even see the person properly and I started to get anxious as fuck. 

"That's probably our new transfer student, I heard from Melinda that she saw him in her P.E class and he had the most drool-worthy abs ever. She even said he had this weird aura about him but it's so hot." Stacy smiled like she was dreaming of him. I rolled my eyes at her and continued to break my neck trying to get a glimpse of him but it was useless. I let go a huff of annoyance and went back to taking notes from the board while Mr. Smith dealt with that problem outside. 

Maybe I'll see him another time. 

I felt someone in the back of the class burning holes at the side of my head and already knew it was Dale. I wanted to tease him a bit so I turned around to the guy sitting behind me and bit my lip then smiled. The guy's eyes immediately turned black with lust, earning him a wink from me and a growl from Mr. Future Alpha in the back there. I tried my best to bite back my laughter and turned around with an eye roll in his direction. 

Mr. Smith came back to class looking all flustered but before he could utter a word the bell rang and everyone got up to leave. 

"Don't forget! Next class, I'm putting everyone in groups of two to complete a project!" He shouted after us, gaining a few 'yes sir' on the way out. 

I kept thinking about what Stacy said about the transfer student on my way out.

Who is this guy?

Word count: 1538



Y'all are probably like 'Didn't she say she was gonna have this draft done by 05/01/21?'  Yes, I said that, my apologies my life is a little hectic but I'm working on it. I gave myself a deadline as I said before and I'm trying to meet that deadline because I'll be occupied tomorrow. This author's note wouldn't be long because I have ideas for the next chapter in my brain so I'm gonna start writing that up now!

Please be safe in these COVID times babies! I love y'all.

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