Theseus - How do you sleep?

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Angst with happy ending
Music: How do you sleep, by Sam Smith

Frustrated doesn't begin to explain how you are feeling... After the announcement of your engagement with Theseus, everything seemed to be going perfectly. You had been reinstated at St. Mungus with the war over. Theseus was the perfect fiance, wanting to take part in every step of the way until the big day. And you had started looking for an apartment to move into after the wedding.

Lately Theseus has been a bit tired and absent though you would say your relationship is still good. At least that's what you thought.

Ring ring

Getting up from the couch you have been sitting on for the past eternity, you moved to your foyer to retrieve the noisy phone. "Hello?" you asked sounding utterly bored.

"Y/n! I'm so sorry!" You sighed. "Something came up at the office and I'll need to stay longer than usual." Theseus had the decency to sound apologetic.

You mumbled "That seems to be the usual now."

"Sorry, love? I didn't get that."
"It's nothing... when do you think you'll be back?" You wanted to be patient and understanding but you knew you weren't doing a good job at it.

"Humm... well you shouldn't wait up... honestly." You could imagine him scratching is neck, a habit you usually found endearing... usually...

"Right. Goodnight!" Before he could answer you slammed the phone back into place.

You promised yourself you wouldn't be clingy and insecure about your relationship with Theseus, but this was testing your limits. How could you possibly hold yourself back from making up wild scenarios? This was too cliche...

Knowing you wouldn't be eating anything, you closed the pot and put it in your fridge to be warmed up another day.

When you were done cleaning up and about to hit the couch in resignation, a pecking noise came from the window. An owl awaited you with his big round yellow eyes and a small parcel on his beak. After retrieving the item and paying the animal, you sat back down to open it. On top sat a note that read:

To my wonderful girlfriend, sorry I've been absent lately. I'll make it up to you, for now here's a little token of my love for you,

You couldn't help but melt a little. You knew this man's heart was precious and enormous but it still managed to surprise her how thoughtful he was.

As you read the note for the 5th time you noticed that he called you his girlfriend... That's odd since he hasn't done that even before he proposed.

*Throwback 1 month engagement*

You had just walked trough the doors of Theseus' department when you had been assaulted by a pair of warm and familiar arms.

"Hello gorgeous, what brings you here?" Theseus whispered in your ears, bringing a smirk to your face.

"Heard there were some handsome men in this department and thought I would check it myself. " His hold tightened around you in response to your tease.

"We'll look no further!" He twirl you around in his arms so your back was to his chest and shouted "Everyone I would like to introduce my fiancé, Y/n Y/l/n." Making you chuckle, was there even a point in correcting him anymore, you wondered.

"Look at you Scamander! Didn't know you had it in you!" His colleagues teased him and congratulated you warmly. "I don't see the ring on her finger though..." A silence descended on the office, people eagerly awaiting Theseus answer. Before he could retort you decided to help the situation further:

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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