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Kageyama waited for Hinata outside the movie theater. Tch he's always late he looked down at his phone to see 4 new messages.

Yuna: Hey Kageyama how are you?☺️

Yuna: So I was thinking, since tomorrow is sunday

Yuna: Are you free tomorrow?

Yuna: We can go on that date and have fun!

He let out a heavy breath. Just break up with her already to save her the pain. He thought, he decided to ignore the messages. He looked at his phone a little longer and then saw a message from Hinata.

Hinata: Sorry I'll be late!

Hinata: Natsu ended up being sick so I'll have to take her with me. >_<

Hinata: Hope that's okay Kags!( '∀`)

"Kags?" Kageyama mumbled to himself, he smiled a bit at the nickname Hinata just gave him. "Oh wait I have to reply." he quickly started typing

Kageyama: Hurry up!

Hinata: I'm trying okay?.°(ಗдಗ。)°.

Kageyama: TRY HARDER

Hinata looked down at his phone and frowned. "Why did it have to be him that I like?" Hinata mumbled, Natsu looked at him shocked "Shoyo you like a boy?!" her eyes lit up. "Quiet down Natsu!" Hinata quickly covered up Natsu's mouth.

"Who is it? I wanna know too! Maybe I could help you get a boyfriend." Natsu giggled a little. "I'm not telling you!" Hinata quickly looked away from his little sister. "and you're too scared to get one." She said and started laughing. Hinata frowned, "I am not!" he said. She laughed. "Oh! Is it Kageyama?" Natsu's eyes were brighter and she smiled even more, she spoke again before Hinata could even say anything. "It's okay if it is Kageyama! I like him too. I want you two to get married."

Kageyama saw them both walking, he waved over at them and Natsu waved back. Hinata's face was red. "What's your face so red for? Did someone ask to marry you?" he asked Hinata sarcastically. "N-No! Anyways let's go before we don't have time to get snacks."

They got their snacks and sat down. "Thanks for the candy Kageyama!" Natsu said while hugging Kageyama. "Oh uh no problem-?" Kageyama was unsure what to do or say. What do I do with this child? he was panicking a little. Hinata was laughing. "Kageyama you can calm down. It's only Natsu."

"I AM CALM- I mean I am." Kageyama felt embarrassed. Natsu kept talking with Kageyama (a one way conversation mostly) Hinata watched them both interact, AGH WHO KNEW KAGEYAMA COULD GET ANY BETTER?! he felt a gay panic coming on.

"Oh! right, we need some napkins I'll be right back." Hinata excused himself and went to get the napkins, meanwhile Natsu started to make her plan into place. "Hey Kageyama, I'm gonna switch seats with Hinata." she got up and moved to sit in the seat where Hinata was sitting. Kageyama looked at the small girl confused, "Uh okay?" Natsu and her awkwardly sat there. "Kageyama I bet you won't be able to hold Shoyo's hand." she blurted out.

Kageyama didn't know what to say, but he wasn't about to lose the bet. "Oh yeah? I'll be able to hold his hand!" Natsu giggled. "If I win, I get ten dollars. deal?" Natsu stuck out her hand. "Deal." Kageyama shook her hand. Did I just make a bet without getting a benefit if I win? he thought. Hinata came back with napkins, he noticed the changed seats. DANG IT NATSU WHY!? he felt his heart racing. "Oh great. You're just in time for the movie." Kageyama acted as if nothing happened. "Yeah, lucky me." Hinata awkwardly laughed. He sat next to Kageyama, his palms were sweaty and his face felt all hot.

[Half way through the movie]

(bc yes.)

Hinata felt a lot calmer now. Kageyama however, was freaking out, he kept trying to think of the perfect moment to hold Hinata's hand. He kept looking down at Hinata's hand, I'm not even paying attention to the movie.

He looked back at the movie screen, the girl and the guy were walking in the rain together. Is this the perfect time? he kept thinking to himself. He stared at Hinata's face, he had tears in his eyes. Stupid dumbass. Getting emotional over nothing... it's cute he thought.

His hand started moving on it's own, Kageyama's hand slowly made its way to Hinata's hand. Hinata was too distracted by the movie to notice, then finally, Kageyama grabbed onto Hinata's hand. Hinata immediately noticed, he looked down at their hands. His face turned bright red, Hinata looked at Kageyama who was looking at the movie. WHAT IS HE DOING? IS HE TEASING ME OR SOMETHING?! Hinata's heart started racing again, he felt his face start burning up again.

"Hinata" Kageyama whispered "Your palm is really sweaty." he whispered and then went back to silence. AGH HE IS! Hinata kept panicking. LET ME DISAPPEAR NOW Hinata felt like his heart was going to explode. Natsu looked at the both of them and a smirk came onto her face. I'm the best sister. pleased with herself she went back to watching.

[After the movie]

The three of them walked out of the movie theater. "Natsu are you hungry?" Kageyama asked Natsu. Natsu nodded "Let's go get something to eat!" she started to walk ahead of them. "Natsu you'll get lost if you walk too far ahead!" Hinata yelled out at her.

"No I won't!" Natsu yelled back. Hinata sighed, he then started laughing. Kageyama slightly blushed, he then looked down at their hands. Their fingers were intertwined with each other. It can stay like this a little longer. Kageyama looked back at Natsu who was waiting at the entrance of a McDonald's for them. "Hurry up guys!" She yelled out. Hinata and Kageyama caught up to her and they headed inside.

Yuna saw them. She was about to burst out. "I'll catch up with you guys later." she told her friends and walked to their direction.

My Girlfriend||Kagehina + side storiesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora