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Kageyama started to feel a bit nervous. Do I really want to know why he asked me these... weird questions? He thought. "Kageyama, I'm helping you realize that you have feelings for Hinata." Sugawara finally let it out.

Kageyama just stood there, processing what the words that just came out of Sugawara's mouth were. Then, it hit him. "Kageyama? Kageyama, are you okay?" Sugawara waved his hand in front of Kageyama's face. "Sugawara... do I like Hinata?" Kageyama's face was unreadable. Sugawara was having a hard time trying to figure out Kageyama's emotions.

"Well, it sure does seem like it." Does he even know how to feel about this himself? Sugawara questioned. "THIS ISN'T GOOD." Kageyama started to freak out. Sugawara flinched, "It's not?" Sugawara looked at Kageyama weirdly.

"No! I have a girlfriend, who I don't have feelings for and I actually like Hinata- my own teammate! Is this why he's been acting weird lately?! Does he even like me back???" Kageyama was still freaking out. "KAGEYAMA CALM DOWN" Sugawara yelled out. Kageyama quickly stopped talking and looked at Sugawara. "Now that you realized it, what are you gonna do about it?" He asked. Kageyama started thinking harder.

"Does Hinata like me back...?" Kageyama looked at Sugawara, his face was more readable now. Sugawara knew he was serious. "Have you accepted your own feelings?" Sugawara asked. Kageyema nodded. "Then yes he does." Sugawara was ready for Kageyama to start yelling again. "Oh okay. I'm gonna head home now." Kageyama started to walk home. Sugawara was left confused. Is that a good sign? He started walking home too.

[At Kageyama's house]

"I'm home." Kageyama yelled out expecting a response. "Guess they aren't home yet." He started walking upstairs. "Hmm is there milk?" Kageyama looked in the fridge, there was no milk. Dang it! He walked upstairs and got into his room.

"AGHHHHH HE LIKES ME BACK- WAIT I LIKE HIM TOO?!" Kageyama yelled into his pillow. "UGH WHAT AM I GONNA DOOOOOO?!" Kageyama felt like slamming his head against the wall. "HOW DIDN'T I NOTICE EARLIER" he kept yelling at himself. He felt a moment of happiness until he remembered, "What will I do about Yuna...?" He asked himself.

"I can just break up with her right?" He sat up from his bed and sighed. "That's dumb. You can't just break up with someone!" he thought harder. Stop talking out loud to yourself! You sound like Oikawa! He judged himself. Soon he heard his phone go off, he looked at it. It was Yuna.

Yuna: Hey Kageyama!❤️

Yuna: Can we like maybe go on a date?☺️

Yuna: Like maybe tomorrow?🥰

Kageyama put his phone back down. I'll just reply later. He got up from his bed and then his phone went off again. He hated even looking at his phone. Kageyama picked up his phone and looked at the notifications to see Hinata's name.


Hinata:Want to go to the movies tomorrow?:^

Hinata: I'll pay for your ticket.(¬_¬)

A smile crept it's way onto Kageyama's face. He quickly opened his phone. "What do I write?" He started contemplating. He started typing.

YES OF COURSE no that sounds way too excited he deleted and started retyping

Yes! What time?? No that seems worse! He deleted again and retyped

Sure whatever, I don't care. NOT that either! I seem like Tsukishima or something! He deleted it for the third time. "OH I GOT IT NOW!" He started typing

Kageyama: Sure.

Kageyama: oh, and just so you know, you're paying for my snacks too dumbass.

Hinata: HEY! WHY DO I HAVE TOO?!ಠ_ಠ

Kageyama: because I have other plans I'm canceling.

Hinata: What other plans? You're alone all the time:|


Hinata: Yeah sure-_-

Hinata: Anyways, meet me at the movie theater at 6! Bye!٩( ᐛ )و

Kageyama's face was all red. "Oh right, I have to tell Yuna." He opened Yuna's message.

Kageyama: Sorry, I have plans tomorrow.

Yuna: Oh? That's fine. Maybe some other day?

Kageyama: Yeah sure.

Yuna: Are you free Sunday?

Kageyama: idk

Yuna: okay we'll just have to wait and see bye!

Yuna frowned at her phone. "He could've at least said goodbye back." she sighed. All her pent up anger was ready to explode "UGH IT'S ALL THAT SHRIMPY'S FAULT ISN'T IT?" she yelled out and threw her phone across her room.

[Meanwhile, back at Kageyama's house]

Kageyama looked up at his ceiling, the volleyball he was supposed to be practicing with was just sitting there next to him. "I really do like him more don't I? How didn't I even realize it?" He started to smile.

"At least I'll get to hang out with Hinata tomorrow." Once again, the strange feeling he felt earlier came back. It's these feelings that make me feel this way isn't it? He had finally come to the realization.

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